How to sync from Microsoft Teams to Literatu
About aliased Microsoft Emails
Using Single Sign-on to login to Literatu, Microsoft manages the login and simply passes Literatu the email address that has successfully logged in.
Using Microsoft SSO, it is possible that the email addresses that is passed to Literatu is different to the email address the user logged in with.
For example, a user may login to Microsoft with mary@myschool.com but Microsoft passes us mary.fullname@myschool.onmicrosoft.com.
This happens because Microsoft supports several email addresses - aliases - per user, with only one being the primary alias. This is usually your Organisational or O365 email address.
When you register your account with Literatu, please ensure you use your primary alias email format in order to be able to use SSO and to be able to sync your classes from Microsoft Teams.
To sync your classes and students directly from Microsoft Teams to Literatu, follow these steps:
Login to Literatu with your Microsoft account
2. Click the hamburger menu at the top left of the screen and select 'MS Teams Sync'
3. Choose the class you'd like to sync from the 'Sync from Teams to Scribo' dropdown.
4. Enter the subject and the year (cohort) for the class and click 'Sync to Scribo'. Your class and student information will be transferred.
Your students will be able to login with their Microsoft accounts as soon as the sync is complete.
4. You can refresh (re-sync) the class at any time by clicking the blue sync icon between the class pairings.
How to sync from Literatu to Microsoft Teams
In order to sync your classes from Literatu to Microsoft Teams, you need to be registered with your Microsoft O365 email address in Literatu, and your classes and students (with their O365 emails) need to be set up in Literatu.
To sync your classes and students directly from Literatu to Microsoft Teams, follow these steps:
Login to Literatu with your Microsoft account
2. Click the hamburger menu at the top left of the screen and select 'MS Teams Sync'
3. Click the 'Scribo to teams' button.
4. Choose the class you'd like to sync to Teams from the 'Select your Scribo Class' dropdown.
5. Click 'Push to Teams'. A Team will be created containing the students in the class.
6. You can refresh (re-sync) the class at any time by clicking the blue sync icon between the class pairings.
Add your classes and students to Literatu Scribo by syncing with your Google Classroom
In order to do a Google classroom sync, teachers need to be registered and logged in to Literatu so that they can authorise Literatu with Google. For this reason, teacher accounts need to be created in Literatu first.
The easiest way to add teacher accounts is to email a registration link for teachers to self-enrol. Click the link below to see these instructions.
Email a teacher registration link
Once registered in Literatu, each teacher can sync their classes by following the instructions below.
Login to https://www.literatu.com by clicking 'Login with Google' and using the Google account linked to your Classroom data.
Click the main menu. The location of your menu depends on which Literatu apps you are running:
Choose Sync with Google from the menu
Choose the Google Classroom class you'd like to sync using the dropdown beneath the 'Select your google course' heading
In the 'Select your Literatu class' drop-down, choose 'New Literatu Class' to create a class in Literatu with the same name as your Google class. If you wish to pair with an existing Literatu class, choose that class in the dropdown instead.
Click the 'Link these two' button to populate the Literatu class with student accounts from Google Classroom.
Once pairing is complete your students can login to Literatu using Google SSO, by clicking 'Login with Google'
Information is intended to flow from Edval to Literatu: the list of students & teachers and their class memberships. These communications happen when triggered by desktop Edval.
You will need a login and a password from literatu. Send an email to team@literatu.com with ‘Edval login request’ in the subject, or click here to launch your email client.
You can configure Edval to “sync on save” which means Edval will send the data to Literatu every time you save your changes. This gives you the equivalent situation of Literatu “pulling” data from Edval.
Before sending student and teacher data, please ensure all accounts have an email address associated. Sync will not work for accounts which don't have emails.
In Edval, select ‘File > Sync with system > Configuration’. In the “System” tab, select “Literatu”:
Fill out the configuration information:
Literatu will give you the username and password that you require. This configuration information is stored in the .etz file, so you’ll need to save the file for this to be remembered.
Trigger a sync by selecting ‘File > Sync with system > Sync now’(or using the keyboard shortcut ESC ctrl-K).
Click on the “Manual” tab of this dialog, and select the following:
1. Students
2. Teachers
3. Classes
4. Class memberships
Please make sure you send all 4, or we will be missing critical data. Please don’t send any other data.
If you see the message "You're meant to publish teachers from WebDaily, not desktop EDVAL because desktop Edval doesn't know about casual teachers. Do you really want to publish, or shall we skip this step?" ... please do NOT skip the step or we will not receive any information about your teachers.
If you have any issues with the integration between Edval and Literatu, please check the following:
Your teachers and students have email addresses
You have tried a manual sync
You have chosen to sync students, teachers, classes and class memberships together, and have sent no other data types.
If you are still having issues, please send the following to Edval support:
1. The .etz file
2. The “debug.txt” file. This is the transcript of all communication between Edval and Literatu. To get it, tick the “Create support log file” checkbox on the sync dialog. This checkbox was recently moved from the “Manual” tab to be below the tab collection. If you do a sync after ticking this, then the “debug.txt” file will pop up in Notepad.
3. Proceed with the sync and send the resulting files to Edval
4. Please also send an example of the issue (e.g. a student code, or class code that shows the problem in question) that will allow us to recreate the problem.
Before you can use Literatu in your school, we need to load teacher and student accounts and link them to classes. We call that process on-boarding.
The first step to on-boarding is to identify your 'single source of truth' for your class roster data – ie, your classes and the teachers and students in those classes. Whichever method you use to on-board can also be used to update data, such as movements between classes, or to add new staff and students.
Literatu offers direct sync with Edval, Microsoft Teams and Google Classroom. If none of those are in use at your school, you can export the class, teacher and student information from your student information or timetabling system.
Or, students and teachers can self-enrol using your school's unique keys. To use keys, your teachers and students need to be able to access their email, as the process involves activating their account by clicking a link we will send when they register.
Jump to the instructions which suit your school's context by clicking a link below.
My school uses Google Classroom
My school holds class information in Microsoft Teams
I want to use self-service teacher and student registration
I want to add my class and students by keying in the details
If you have any questions regarding the best way to on-board your school, please email support@literatu.com.
CSV extracts of teachers, students and classes can be done from OneSchool. OneSchool produces the following files:
Please note, OneSchool does not export an email field.
Email is mandatory for teachers in Literatu. To create accounts, will use the pattern MSID + @eq.edu.au. Please let us know if this is not the email address you are using to login.
Once the files are exported they can be uploaded to Literatu:
Open a web browser and go to www.literatu.com.
Login with your community administrator account.
Click the hamburger menu at the top left of the screen, and select Manage -> Import school data.
Choose OneSchool format as the import format
On the import screen, either drag-and-drop your file(s) onto the upload frame, or click ‘Browse files’ to locate them.
Click Next to proceed. The importer will validate your file(s). If any issues are encountered, you will see a message and the import will not proceed. Please send your files to support@literatu.com in this case.
If the format is OK you will see a summary & detailed view of the data we are about to import. Please check this screen and make sure the information is correct. You can cancel at this point if needed.
Click ‘Import data’ to start the import.
You will see a confirmation when done.
Open a web browser and go to www.literatu.com.
Login with your community administrator or teacher account.
Click the setup icon at the top right.
4. Click the 'Manage Teachers' icon in the side menu, then the blue 'Invite Teacher' button.
5. Enter the email addresses of the teachers you wish to invite separated by a comma and click "Send Email". If you wish to send a plain text email using your own email system and contact list, click the option to use your email provider.
Many student information systems offer a Microsoft School Data Sync (SDS) export of teacher, student and class setup. These files are usually used to update Microsoft Teams, but Literatu can also use these files to set up your classes, teachers and students.
Student information systems that offer SDS exports include Synergetic, Canvas, Compass and many more. For a full list, please go to https://sds.microsoft.com/ and click ‘Supported SISes’ on the top menu.
Please export the following files to use in the import.
• Section.csv
• Student.csv
• Teacher.csv
• Studentenrolment.csv
• Teacherroster.csv
Click here for more information about School Data Sync export format.
When extracting your CSV please make sure you include the fields marked Yes in the 'Required?' field AND the fields marked "Yes (only if creating users)"
If the username is not an email address, please include the secondary email.
Once the files are exported they can be uploaded to Literatu:
Open a web browser and go to www.literatu.com.
Login with your community administrator account.
Click the hamburger menu at the top left of the screen, and select Manage -> Import school data.
Choose Microsoft School Data Sync format as the import format
On the import screen, either drag-and-drop your file(s) onto the upload frame, or click ‘Browse files’ to locate them.
Click Next to proceed. The importer will validate your file(s). If any issues are encountered, you will see a message and the import will not proceed. Please send your files to support@literatu.com in this case.
If the format is OK you will see a summary & detailed view of the data we are about to import. Please check this screen and make sure the information is correct. You can cancel at this point if needed.
Click ‘Import data’ to start the import.
You will see a confirmation when done.
Once you have prepared the spreadsheet, you can import it by following the instructions below.
Open a web browser and go to www.literatu.com.
Login with your community administrator account.
Click the hamburger menu at the top left of the screen, and select Import school data which is under the Manage heading
On the initial screen, take note of the message which tells you how many student licenses you have available. You will not be able to import more than this. Please contact us at support@literatu.com if you need more licenses.
To proceed, select the 'Other CSV' option on this page.
On the import screen, either drag-and-drop your CSV file onto the upload frame, or click ‘Browse files’ to locate it. When you have done this, click Next.
Match your spreadsheet headings with the fields in the drop-downs. If you have used our sample, this will happen automatically.
Click Next to proceed. The importer will validate your file. If any issues are encountered, you will see a message and the import will not proceed.
If the format is OK you will see a detailed view of the data we are about to import. Please make sure the information is correct. You can cancel at this point if needed.
Click ‘Import data’ at the bottom of the validation screen to start the import.
You will see a confirmation when done.
If your files fail the validation step, please check and make sure they match the formats specified. The most common issues are:
Incorrect file format. Please make sure you are providing a CSV file.
Missing columns.
Missing or incorrect data. Please make sure your import sheet isn't missing data. Please also ensure there is a default password in the password fields, even if you will be logging in with Google or Microsoft.
Contact us at support@literatu.com if you have any issues with the import that you are unable to identify. Please include your import file(s) in the email
The first step to preparing the import CSV is to export the following information from your student information or timetabling system. You can download a sample import template below.
Please note, you do not need to send us information about which students have left existing Literatu classes. When you prepare an import sheet, please ensure all current students appear in the listing for each class. If the class exists in Literatu, we will repopulate the class according to that information, and any students not in the class list will be removed.
Class name
We suggest you import your classes so that you can assign activities and report by class groups. If you don’t want to assign or report at a class level, then simply enter the cohort name in this field (e.g. Year 7).
Teacher name
The name of the teacher of that class.
If the class has more than 1 teacher, list additional teacher details in the next rows for that class E.g.
Class name Teacher Name Teacher email etc...
Teacher email
The teacher’s email address. Teachers will login with their email address. Email is mandatory for teacher accounts.
Note: If you are using single sign-on (SSO) with linked email addresses, please use the email address that is used by your SSO provider.
Teacher password
A default password for the teacher. Please make sure it is at least 6 characters with an uppercase letter and a number. Please note, an initial password is mandatory even if teachers will be logging in using Google or Microsoft SSO.
Student name
The student’s name. Apostrophes, hyphens and spaces are allowed.
Note: Some schools prefer firstname lastname format, and some prefer lastname firstname format. Please ensure the student name is in the order your teachers expect to see it.
Student email/login ID
The student’s email address. This is our preference, and is used as the login ID.
If your students do not have school emails or are too young to login with email, then please use a login ID that is a single word plus a 2 or 3 digit number. We suggest you use the format of the first 3 characters of their first name, the first 3 characters of their surname plus a 2 digit number, e.g.
Mary Anderson - marand45
Student password
A default password for the student. Please make sure it is at least 6 characters with an uppercase letter and a number. Please note, an initial password is mandatory even if your students will be logging in using Google or Microsoft SSO.
Class subject
The subject of the class. Subject is used in reporting.
Class year
The cohort the class belongs to, using just the number (e.g. 7 for Year 7)
Optional: The gender of the student in the format of M, F or X for gender X. This is an optional field.
Optional: Language Background Other Than English, in the format of Y (yes) or N (no).
Before importing, please make sure there are no blank fields or incorrect data.
Each class has a link that students can use to register a new account in literatu, and also to enrol into new classes. To email a class link to students, follow these steps:
Open a web browser and go to www.literatu.com.
Login with your community administrator or teacher account.
Click the setup icon at the top right.
4. On the 'My Classes' tab, click the student count beside the class you'd like to add students to, then click the 'Invite students'. button.
5. Enter the email addresses of the students you wish to invite separated by a comma and click "Send Email". If you wish to send a plain text email using your own email system and contact list, click the option to use your email provider.
7ENG-A Mr Barnes
7ENG-A Mrs Adams
You can use Literatu admin screens to add teachers and edit their details. To manage teachers using Literatu admin:
Open a web browser and go to www.literatu.com.
Login with your community administrator account. Users with a teacher role can only invite other teachers to register using a link.
Click the setup icon at the top right.
On the admin screen, click the 'Manage Teachers' icon in the left menu.
Click the green 'Add Teacher' button
Enter the teacher's name, their role (teacher or community administrator), their school email address and a strong password.
Click the green tick to save the account. The teacher can now login to Literatu.
On the admin screen, click the 'Manage Teachers' icon in the left menu.
Click the 'Edit Teacher' pen icon beside the teacher you wish to edit.
Edit the teacher's name, role, email or password.
Click the green tick to save your edits.
When teachers leave the school, their account can be archived.
On the admin screen, click the 'Manage Teachers' icon in the left menu.
Click the red 'Archive Teacher' icon beside the teacher you wish to archive.
Their account is archived. The teacher will not be able to login, though assets they created such as activities and rubrics will still be available to the school.
To remove students from a class:
Open a web browser and go to www.literatu.com.
Login with your community administrator or teacher account.
Click the setup icon at the top right.
4. Click the student count button beside the class you'd like to remove students from. You can remove students from classes you are not a teacher of, from the 'Join Class' tab.
5. Click the 'Remove from class' button beside the student you wish to remove from the class.
You can use Literatu admin screens to add students and edit their details. To manage students using Literatu admin:
Open a web browser and go to www.literatu.com.
Login with your community administrator or teacher account.
Click the setup icon at the top right.
On the admin screen, click the 'Manage Students' icon in the left menu.
Click the green 'Add Student' button
Enter the student name, their unique login ID or email address (must be > 6 characters) and a strong password.
Click the green tick to save the account.
When students leave the school individually, their account should be archived. To archive a student:
On the admin screen, click the 'Manage Students' icon in the left menu.
Click the red 'Archive Student' icon beside the student you wish to archive.
Their account is archived. The student will not be able to login.
In the student tab of the Admin screen, you will see a count of students that no longer belong to any classes. These students typically belong to leaving grades (e.g. years 6 or 12), but may also be students that have left the school individually.
You can archive these accounts in bulk. To do this:
On the admin screen, click the 'Manage Students' icon in the left menu.
Note the message at the top of the section which shows a count of students not in classes. Y
Click on the count to filter the student list to these students only. Here, you can check the accounts that are about to be archived.
Click 'Archive these students'. Their account will be archived. The students will be removed from the school's license count, and will not be able to login.
To login on computer or tablet, make sure you know your login and password and follow these instructions:
Open your favourite browser
Go to https://www.literatu.com
Login with username and password
If you have been given a username and password, enter the username into the 'E-mail/Username' field and the password into the 'Password' field
Click Login
Login with Microsoft O365 Single Sign-on
If you have been asked to login with your Microsoft O365 school account, click the 'Microsoft' icon.
You will see the Microsoft login screen which is where you login with your Microsoft O365 username and password.
Once you have logged in there, you will be logged into Literatu automatically.
Troubleshooting SSO with Microsoft: About aliased Microsoft Emails
When using Single Sign-on to login to Literatu, Microsoft manages the login and simply passes Literatu the email address that has successfully logged in.
Using Microsoft SSO, it is possible that the email addresses that is passed to Literatu is different to the email address the user logged in with.
For example, a user may login to Microsoft with mary@myschool.com but Microsoft passes us mary.fullname@myschool.onmicrosoft.com.
This happens because Microsoft supports several email addresses - aliases - per user, with only one being the primary alias. This is usually your Organisational or O365 email address.
If you are having issues logging in using SSO, it may be because you have been registered with the incorrect alias. Please contact us for help.
Login with Google Single Sign-on
If you have been asked to login with your Google school account, click the 'Google' icon.
You will see the Google login screen which is where you login with your Google account.
Once you have logged in there, you will be logged into Literatu automatically.
Follow these instructions if you use an email address to login, and you have forgotten your password and need to create a new one.
If you don't use an email address to login, please ask your teacher to reset your password for you.
Open your browser and navigate to www.literatu.com
Click the I forgot my password link
3. Enter your email address in the Password Reset screen and click Submit.
4. If the email address is associated with an account, the instructions for resetting your password will be emailed to you. It may take a couple of minutes for the email to arrive. If you have not received it within 10 minutes, please check your spam folder.
5. Click the password reset link in the email and enter your new password.
To add students to a class using Literatu admin:
Open a web browser and go to www.literatu.com.
Login with your community administrator or teacher account.
Click the setup icon at the top right.
4. Click the student count button beside the class you'd like to add students to. You can add students to classes you are not a teacher of, from the 'Join Class' tab.
5. Click the 'Add student' button at the top of the slide out panel and start typing the student's name into the 'Type student name' box. We will return a list of matching students as you type. Simply click the student from that list, and they will be added to the class. The short video below shows this process.
You can use Literatu admin screens to add classes, edit their details and remove empty classes. To manage classes using Literatu admin:
Open a web browser and go to www.literatu.com.
Login with your community administrator or teacher account.
Click the setup icon at the top right.
On the admin screen, click the green 'Add class' button.
Enter the class name, the year (grade) and the subject.
Click the green tick to save the class details.
4. You can now add students to the class using one of the following methods:
a) Email an invitation to your students which they can use to join your class using a link.
b) You can also add students to your class by searching for them if they are already in your school, or by keying in their details.
To use either of these methods, click the student count button beside the class you just created.
Search for students by typing a student name into the search bar. Or, click "+New Student" to key in student names, login IDs and passwords for small classes.
On the admin screen, locate the class you wish to edit by scrolling or searching.
Click the pen icon beside the class.
Edit the class name, the year or the subject and click the green tick to save the class details.
If you are not a teacher of the class you need to edit, click the "Join Class" tab and locate the class there (you don't need to join the class to edit it)
Archiving a class removes it from the active school view. Archived classes can be unarchived if teachers ever need to access information from that class. To archive a class:
On the admin screen, locate the class you wish to delete by scrolling or searching.
Click the archive class icon beside the class you wish to archive.
Click OK on the confirmation. The class is archived.
Only classes that contain no students can be deleted. To delete an empty class:
On the admin screen, locate the class you wish to delete by scrolling or searching.
Click the red trash icon beside the class.
Click OK on the delete confirmation.The class is deleted.
Time to close off one year and start the next? Here's a checklist you can follow which outlines the process followed by many of our schools.
If you have questions or would like to discuss other options, please email support@literatu.com.
Click on any step to open instructions in a new tab.
Sync classes and student / teacher accounts if you use one of these systems to manage the data
If you use CSV imports, extract your student, teacher and class data for the new year
Archived students and teachers To un-archive a student or teacher account:
Open a web browser and go to www.literatu.com.
Login with your community administrator account.
Click the hamburger menu at the top left of the screen, and select Manage -> Archived Accounts
Locate the account to un-archive.
Click the blue Un-archive button. The student or teacher will be restored to their previous classes, and will be able to login again.
To join or leave a class using Literatu admin:
Open a web browser and go to www.literatu.com.
Login with your community administrator or teacher account.
Click the setup icon at the top right.
Locate the class you wish to leave in the class list.
Click the Leave Class icon. You will be removed as a teacher of that class.
Click the Join Class tab
Find the class you wish to join by using Search at the top of the page.
Click the Join Class icon. The class will appear in your My Classes tab.
At the beginning of a new year, it is a good idea to archive your past year classes. This removes them from the schools view, but still allows them to be unarchived if a teacher ever needs information from that class.
To archive ALL classes in the school, follow these instructions:
Open a web browser and go to www.literatu.com.
Login with your community administrator account.
Click the cog at the top right of the screen. You will see this:
Click 'Archive all classes'
You will be able to name the archived classes to make them easier to find. In the naming popup, we will suggest the year and month of archive, though you can change this.
Click 'Go' when you are ready to archive. Your classes will be archived and available in the Archived Classes tab.
The Learning Ledger is a holistic view of every student in your school. You can import almost any data that is important to your school community. Examples of data sources commonly imported include NAPLAN, PAT, Allwell, AGAT, CogAT, semester grades, effort, teacher comments, GPA, attendance summaries, student goals, summative and formative activities, learning engagement and wellness.
Adding a data source to Ledger is as simple as sending us a sample of the data you wish to have imported. We will write an import recipe based on the data which you will be able to use to import data via a simple drag-and-drop interface whenever needed. We can also import your data for you.
Ledger also supports direct posting via xAPI. Please get in touch if your data source supports this eLearning standard.
About Recipes
Ledger is completely dynamic which allows us to take almost any data your school wants to see. In order for a data source to be added to the Ledger, all that needs to happen is that we need to create an import recipe. The recipe simply tells the Ledger importer:
Which columns to import from your spreadsheet and which to ignore
How to choose the data to import based on repeatable criteria (e.g. only import rows where the data in the 'Final Results' column = 'Yes')
What name to give the fields we import on screen
How to group the data in the timeline
How to group the data in the Profiler and Mixer
Once the recipe is written the data can be imported as needed, either by you or by us.
In order to add a new recipe to the ledger:
Send an export of the data to us containing real values which adheres to the data guidelines below.
Let us know which fields you would like imported, and what you would like them to be called. We will contact you if we have questions.
We will create a new recipe for that data source and import the spreadsheet you have sent us.
Once the data is imported, we will contact you so that you can take a look and let us know if any changes are needed.
Once the recipe is agreed, it is available in the Ledger Import for your school. You can import data as required. We can also import data for you.
Providing Data for Recipe Creation
When adding a new data source to Ledger, the first data set you send us acts as a blueprint which sets the format for all future imports. The first step to adding a data source is sending us an export of the data. Before sending, please make sure it adheres to the following:
The data is repeatedly exportable in a CSV, XLS or XLSX format.
The data is going to be consistent. We create an import recipe based on the field names in the first export. These field names should not change.
The data needs to be complete. Data should only be imported once it has been finalised. For example, please don't send semester grades that are still being finalised.
The data needs to be consolidated. Any necessary data consolidations or calculations need to have been done before data is imported. We can do selective imports where we only import data where a field contains a certain value (e.g. only import rows where the data in the 'Final Results' column = 'Yes'). However, we don't do calculations or at import time.
When you are ready to send your data, please send to your Literatu representative.
We will work as quickly as possible to get your recipes created and your data imported, but please be aware that we do work on a queue basis.
To minimise delays:
For recipe creation please make sure you send us correct and complete data which adheres to the criteria above. and let us know which fields to import, what to call them, and information about any other criteria (e.g. only import rows where the data in the 'Final Results' column = 'Yes').
For ongoing data import where we import data for you The first thing that happens when an import is done is a check to see whether your data matches the format the recipe is expecting. If your data fails the check, your import will be moved to an investigations queue. This queue is slower. There, a support rep will investigate to find out why the data no longer matches the recipe format. We run these 2 queues to enable us to keep moving quickly through importing data which is correct. To avoid waiting, please check to make sure your data matches the format you initially sent when the recipe was created.
When data is imported, it needs to be 'connected' to student accounts in Literatu. This allows the data to follow the student to form the data picture for the class, cohort and school.
Literatu matches the imported data to Literatu students by name for PAT / Allwell and NAPLAN data because these data exports do not reliably contain any other unique identifying feature such as email address or SIS ID. For Ledger imports we prefer to use unique identifiers where possible, though can fall back to name if your school data sources don't support any of these.
During any import, we will attempt to match names automatically wherever we can. However, there will always be a set of names we are unable to find a perfect match for.
When your data import is complete, we suggest you check for un-matched students. To do this:
Login to Literatu with your admin account
Click the hamburger menu which is on the top left of your Literatu screen.
Select 'Name Matching' from the menu
Choose a data source to match (NAPLAN, PAT or Ledger)
Choose a calendar year to match. This should be the calendar year corresponding to the data you just imported, e.g. 2021
Choose the name format in your imported data and in Literatu by completing the options sentences. For example, if your PAT data appears on screen in 'first name, last name' format but your Literatu data is in 'last name, first name' format, your options sentences would be:
When you select the name formats, Literatu will add any perfect matches to the 'Perfect Matches' tab.
The Fuzzy Matches' tab will show all partial matches or un-matched students. Please check each of these. Fuzzy matches are done using an algorithm which will try and match the surname, then the first name as closely as possible. Some fuzzy match suggestions may be close and some may not be.
If Literatu has fuzzy-matched a student incorrectly, click Search to clear the match and search for the correct student.
If a student is no longer at your school and therefore doesn't have a Literatu account, ensure the checkbox beside their name is unchecked.
Where the checkbox is ticked on update, Literatu will match the data to the selected student. If the checkbox is unchecked, the match will not happen even if there is a fuzzy match present.
When all matches have been completed, click the blue 'Update Data' button.
Matches only need to be done once per data source. Literatu will remember the matches for that data source going forward. For example, if Lex Smith in PAT is matched to Alexander James Smith in Literatu, we will automatically match the student when new PAT data is imported.
The manage students using Literatu's Admin. To change the password for a student or a teacher:
Open a web browser and go to www.literatu.com.
Login with your community administrator or teacher account. Note, only community administrators can reset teacher passwords.
Click the setup icon at the top right.
4. Click Manage Students or Manage Teachers on the left menu and find the account using search.
6. Click the Reset Password icon
7. Type in the new password and click the green tick to save the entry.
The Literatu Insights Dashboard and the Learning Ledger take external data and display them in class-centric dashboards.
The Explorer Insights Dashboard focuses on the most common diagnostic tests run in Australia - NAPLAN, Allwell, 'standard' PAT*, AGAT and MYAT. This data flows to Ledger as well, if your school is running it.
The Learning Ledger is a holistic view of any student data that your school is interested in showing. Diagnostic data from the Explorer flows to Ledger automatically. From there, schools can add on report card data, GPA, attendance summaries, student goals, learning engagement and so on. If the data is available in a repeatable, exportable format from any other system (including Excel), we can write a recipe for it. Once the recipe is written the data can be imported as needed by the school or by us. The Ledger can also accept automatic xAPI postings from compliant systems, once set up.
The following sections contain instructions about exporting some of the more common data sources and importing them into Explorer or Ledger.
Before you proceed, make sure you have your invitation email containing the registration link.
You only need to register a new account once. When you have registered, use the email address and password you registered with to login at www.literatu.com
Open a web browser.
Click the registration link in your invitation email, or copy and paste it into your browsers address bar.
Choose the option you'd like to register with:
To SSO using your Google email address, click the Google box. Google will manage your login to literatu so you don’t have to remember another password.
To SSO using your Microsoft email address, click the Microsoft box. Microsoft will manage your login to literatu so you don’t have to remember another password.
If you don't use either of these, click Email to register with an email address and password.
4. Continue registering using the help below.
Enter your name
Teachers: Enter your school email address. You will receive an activation link to the email address so make sure you use a real email that you can access.
Students: Enter your school email address. You will receive an activation link to the email address so make sure you use a real email that you can access. Or, you can enter a login ID that isn't an email address. Your login D needs to be more than 5 characters.
Enter a strong password of at least 8 characters. Use letter, numbers and special characters.
Please make sure you read the terms of service. If you don't agree with them, you may cancel your registration at this point by simply closing the session.
I am not a Robot
Make sure to click this if you are not a Robot :) We might ask you to identify pictures of cars, buses and so on, just to be sure.
Click the Signup button to complete the registration and trigger an activation email.
Activation Email
The activation email should only take a minute or two to arrive. Please look out for this in your Inbox. If the email doesn't arrive, check your Spam folder.
For teachers : You are ready to add your first class using the guidance that will appear when you first login.
Students with a Literatu account can also quickly join additional classes using the class access link.
To join a class as a student using the link:
1. Open a browser and go to https://www.literatu.com
2. Login with your student account
3. Click the class link in the invitation email or copy and paste it into the browser address bar, and press enter.
4. You will see a confirmation message that you have been joined to the class.
For PAT, Allwell, MYAT and AGAT data only.
To edit the test name, cycle date or to delete imported files:
1. Open your browser and go to www.literatu.com
2. Login with your Community Administrator account, and go to Diagnostic Explorer in your Insights menu.
3. Select 'Import PAT Data' from the ribbon menu on the right or go directly to https://www.literatu.com/pat/#/import
3. Click 'Manage my Imports' at the top of the screen.
4. To change the test name, click the name in the grid and edit. Click 'Save Changes' when you have finished.
5. To change the cycle date, click the date in the Cycle column and enter the new value in the popup. Click 'Save Changes' when you have finished.
NAPLAN data has a different format in each state in Australia, and some states have different formats for education systems within the state. These instructions are an overview and do not cover every state and system in detail. In the drop-downs, please select the state and system that applies to you and follow the prompts on the screen.
As of 2021, Victorian NAPLAN data is split across the VCAA NAPLAN data service (outcome and question level data) and the ACARA SSSR extract. The fragmented nature of the data means that you will need to import data from both sources. Please read on for details.
Before you import your data, please ensure all of your students have been added to Literatu.
1. Open your browser and go to www.literatu.com
2. Login with your Community Administrator account
3. When you login to your new Insights or Ledger community, you may see the NAPLAN import view by default. If you don't, go to https://www.literatu.com/naplan/importv2 or click the hamburger menu at the top left of your Literatu screen and choose Import NAPLAN data from the menu.
4. Choose whether your school has a paper or online test export. Victorian schools that have done the Online test from 2021 will need to select Paper to import the VCAA Outcome Level/Question Level data. Then, re-run the importer and choose Online for the ACARA SSSR data.
5. Choose your state from the dropdown and the format if there is a choice, and click Continue. All formats have a sample you can download and check against your exports. For Online imports of ACARA SSSR data, choose Aus as the state.
6. On the next screen (below), please ensure you read any instructions in blue. They are important and vary by state/system.
Some states will see a field titled NAPLAN Test Year; enter the NAPLAN test year that you are importing (e.g. 2022). Then, browse or drag-and-drop your import files for the test year into the Import window. A single test year may have a number of files to import - select all of them at once.
The files will be uploaded and you should see the test year and grade appear to the right of the Import box. Click Continue at this point.
7. You will see a validation screen which will show every student being imported, their bands, scaled scores and raw scores by domain. It's normal to see blanks cells here and there where the student did not sit a test. With the exception of Victoria (ref below), no other columns should be blank. If they are, please don't proceed with the import. Instead, email support[ at ] literatu.com to organise sending your data to us. If the data looks OK, click Continue.
Victorian Schools: If you are importing VCAA Outcome and Question level data for 2021 onward and have done the Online test, the Reading Questions, Language Questions and Numeracy Questions columns will be blank.
If you are importing ACARA SSSR data, you will not see any scaled scores and the Writing Questions column will be blank. Both of these are OK - the data is incomplete in each data service but we will merge it to form a complete data set. Continue with the import.
8. The next step involves joining the incoming data to the students you have loaded into Literatu.
The importer will match as many names as possible automatically. But, where we are unable to reliably match a name, we will rely on you to match. For example, a student might be Alexander James Smith in your NAPLAN data, but Alex Smith in Literatu.
These unmatched students names from the NAPLAN export will appear beside the closest "fuzzy" match we could find. We use a fuzzy match to try and pick up as many variations as possible. If we have fuzzy-matched the incorrect student, click Search and choose the correct one.
If you have not loaded all students into Literatu, you can run the name match later as a separate process.
Please keep in mind, not ever student will be able to be matched. For example, if you are importing history, a number of the students in the NAPLAN export may have left the school and so can't be matched.
9. When you have finished matching students, click Import the Import button to import the data.
10. Victorian schools will see the option to merge data in the importer. When you have finished importing VCAA Outcome/Question level and ACARA SSSR data, re-run the importer, check the 'I have finished importing all VCAA and SSSR data' box and then click the Go to Cleanup step. This will merge the data.
Please check the following if you have any issues:
Ensure your files are un-edited
Ensure your import files are saved in the format specified by the importer
If your import format requires certain values are present in the filename, make sure the filename matches the requirement.
Check the field names in the spreadsheet for corruption (more common than you'd think). For example:
If you still have issues, please email a description of the problem to support[ at ]literatu.com along with the files or a secure link to access them.
Due to the absence of exports from ACER OARS which contain detailed skills data for the PAT Adaptive test, we are unable to import PAT Adaptive to Explorer. We suggest you contact your ACER representative and make a request to have exports containing all students with their question scores and question skills data added, as is available for non-adaptive PAT. We have written interim recipes for scores data which will appear in Ledger.
The Explorer and Ledger combines results for current & previous years to show longitudinal progress for students and the school as a whole. This is why we need a few years of PAT reporting data to get schools started.
As a rule of thumb, we need as many years of history as the school wishes to see in growth. As a minimum we suggest 4 years, however we can import data as far back as 2013.
Obviously, we need data for all tested cohorts and domains.
Before you import your data, please ensure all of your students have been added to Literatu.
Please export the 'Group Report' format directly from your ACER OARS system to import into Literatu. We need un-edited files.
The following screen animation shows where to find the Group Report. Please contact your ACER support representative if you have additional questions.
The PAT importer updates the Diagnostic Explorer, Insights and Ledger (if licensed) as part of the import process. To load new PAT tests, follow the steps below:
1. Open your browser and go to www.literatu.com
2. Login with your Community Administrator account, and go to https://www.literatu.com/pat/#/import
3. Select PAT / AGAT from the dropdown menu
4. Drag and drop the Group Report files into the 'Drag your files here' frame, or click to open the file explorer. You can load a number of Group Report files at the same time. They can be different domains (e.g Maths and Comprehension).
5. The files will be uploaded and validated. You will the validated list of files in the import queue, where:
File is the name of the file being imported
Test is the short name of the test as it will appear in the Diagnostic Explorer dropdown.
Domain is the test domain, which is defaulted from the import file. You should not need to change this
Cycle Year is the year in which the test was completed, which is defaulted from the import file. You should not need to change this.
Year is the grade/cohort level of the students in the test. If one Group Report contains more than one year, you will see a row of detail for each year.
Progress and Status, which refer to the upload and validation status of each file. If you do not see a green tick in each row, there was an issue uploading and validating the file. Please check that the file is in the correct format. If you can not find the issue, please email the file to support@literatu.com.
Actions. Click the eye icon to preview the file contents. Click the red bin to delete the file from the import queue.
Please ensure all of the information is correct and make any edits required.
6. When you are ready to upload your data, click 'Continue to import'.
7. The next step of the import is name matching; ie matching the students in the Group Reports to students accounts in Literatu.
Because PAT data rarely contains an email address or SIS ID, Literatu matches students by name. We automatically match students where we can. Any students we cannot reliably match appear in a validation screen where you can select the correct student from a dropdown.
If a student does not have a literatu account, their data will be imported in a limited way. They will appear in the Zone of Proximal Development report only. When their Literatu account is loaded and their names are matched, the data will appear in all Diagnostic Explorer reports, in Insights dashboard and in Ledger (if licensed).
8. Click 'Import all files above' to complete the import. A progress bar will track the import and you will see a confirmation message when the import is complete.
The following screen grab shows the import process.
To edit the dropdown name, cycle date or to delete imported files:
1. Open your browser and go to www.literatu.com
2. Login with your Community Administrator account, and go to https://www.literatu.com/pat/#/import
3. Click 'Manage my Imports' at the top of the screen.
4. To change the test name, click the name in the grid and edit. Click 'Save Changes' when you have finished.
5. To change the cycle date, click the date in the Cycle column and enter the new value in the popup. Click 'Save Changes' when you have finished.
The following screen grab shows the process to rename a test and change the cycle date.
Imports are deleted by batch, in the same batches in which they were loaded.
The Explorer and Ledger combines results for current & previous years to show longitudinal progress for students and the school as a whole. This is why we need a few years of NAPLAN reporting to build that view.
As a rule of thumb, we need as many years of history as the school wishes to see in growth. As a minimum we suggest 4 years for a primary school or high school, and 7 years for a K-12. However, we can import data as far back as 2013.
The Literatu NAPLAN importer relies on exports downloaded from your state/system NAPLAN reporting application. Unfortunately, we can not give you exact instructions for each reporting system as we don't have access to them. However, we do have samples of the file formats we expect in the NAPLAN Import routine.
Your school would have been sent these in your on-boarding Data email as well. Please contact support [ at ] literatu.com if you need another copy of the email.
As a general rule:
Please do not edit the exported file contents at all (e.g. adding columns, grouping, totals etc). We rely on completely un-edited data.
Please do not change the filenames, with the exception of prefixing or suffixing to show the domain and year level, if needed (e.g. GP7, SP7 etc).
Please ensure you export the data for all tested year levels, domains and calendar test years.
As of 2021, Victorian NAPLAN data is split across the VCAA NAPLAN data service (outcome and question level data) and the ACARA SSSR extract. The fragmented nature of the data means that you will need to import data from both sources.
From the VCAA data service, please export the student outcome level and student question level data. Additionally, please export each domain and year level from the ACARA SSSR reporting suite.
1. Open the ACARA report suite and navigate to the School Item Report tab.
2. Choose the first Domain and Year Level you will export.
3. Click export. Leave all of the boxes in the popup checked and click Export as CSV.
4. When the file downloads to your computer, add a prefix to the filename it so you can track what you have exported. Otherwise leave the filename as is E.g:
Save SSSR Extract - BEST SCHOOL - SYDNEY CAMPUS (12345) - 2022-08-02.csv as
GP7-SSSR Extract - BEST SCHOOL - SYDNEY CAMPUS (12345) - 2022-08-02.csv … and so on.
5. Choose the next domain for that cohort and continue exporting until all 5 domains are exported. Then, export the data for the next year level.
Literatu supports a 'self-service' link based model which uses links to allow teachers to register directly into their school, and students to register into their school and classes.
Link based registration is ideal for schools who don't use Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams or Edval and who can not generate an import spreadsheet from their SIS.
Before choosing this method, please note:
You can use this method of registration to onboard your teachers, or your students, or both.
Teachers must be registered and have at least 1 class created in order to be able to invite students via a link. Instructions for quick manual class creation are below.
This process sends an emailed invitation. So, teachers and students must be able to receive an email at that address.
As of the date of writing this, NSW and ACT NAPLAN data has not been made available in the 'NAPLAN Export' section of Scout. However, a new report has been made available in the general section which contains the underlying detailed student data which we can use to populate Insights and Ledger.
We have written an interim importer for this data, as we have no clear direction as to when the 'NAPLAN Export' data will be made available.
Login to Scout, and choose the general NAPLAN reporting app for your state.
Choose Student Proficiency Standards from the side menu.
Hover your mouse directly over the right hand side of the table and click the 3 dots which are displayed on hover.
Choose 'export'
In the Export selection, choose 'Summarized Data' and click Export. These exports contain only the achievement data per student. Next, you will need to export the question level data per domain.
To do this, in the left menu, choose 'School Item Analysis'
At the top of the reporting page, select the first domain. NOTE: You will need to follow these instructions for every domain.
Scroll down to the 'Student Item Map' report, and float your mouse over the top right of the table to reveal the mini-menu and click the 3 dots.
Choose Export Data. In the export, choose Summarized Data, and click Export.
Save the file ensuring you include one of these domain descriptors in the file name:
'GP' for grammar and punctuation
'SP' for spelling
'RD' for reading
'NM' for numeracy
Repeat for all 4 domains.
Now, export the writing data. In the left menu, choose 'School Item Analysis Writing'
Clear the selections for the following fields using the eraser which becomes visible above each of the fields when you hover:
Which Assessment?
Which Criteria?
Text version
Note - if you don't clear these selections, you will be missing data.
Scroll down to the table at the end of the page which has a heading 'Click on the chart above the filter the results below', then hover your mouse directly over the right hand side of the table and click the 3 dots which are displayed on hover, then export the data as you have done for the previous domains.
You should have a total of 6 exports, and 4 of them should include GP, SP, RD and NM in their filename. You are now ready to import.
Open your browser and go to www.literatu.com
Login with your Community Administrator account
Go to https://www.literatu.com/naplan/importv2 or click the hamburger menu at the top left of your Literatu screen and choose Import NAPLAN data from the menu.
For 'Test Type', choose online.
For the ACT and NSW, please choose NSW from the 'State' dropdown.
In the 'NAPLAN Data Format' field, choose Format 3 - (SCOUT 2023)
On the next screen, enter the NAPLAN test year that you are importing (2023). Then, browse or drag-and-drop your exported files into the Import window.
The files will be uploaded and you should see the test year and grade appear to the right of the Import box. Click Continue.
You will see a validation screen which will show the data for every student being imported. If the data looks OK, click Continue and your data will be imported.
In the validation screen, it's normal to see blank cells here and there where the student did not sit an exam. However, you should not see fully blank columns. If you do, please check to make sure you have included the domain descriptor in your filenames (GP, RD, SP and NM) and that it is associated with the right data, then re-try the import.
If you are sure this is correct and are still seeing blank columns, please don't proceed with the import. Instead, email support[ at ] literatu.com to organise sending your data to us.
The next step involves joining the incoming data to the students you have loaded into Literatu.
The importer will match as many names as possible automatically. Where we are unable to reliably match a name, we will rely on you to match using the Name Matching routine, detailed via the link below.
The prerequisite is that a recipe needs to exist for your data.
To import data into Ledger, prepare your spreadsheet then:
Login to Literatu with a Community Admin account.
Click the hamburger menu on the top left, then choose Import Ledger Data
3. In the 1. Select your recipe dropdown, choose the recipe that corresponds to the data you wish to import
4. In the 2. Select your file(s) area, you will see the field names Ledger is expecting. Check that your spreadsheet matches these, then upload the spreadsheet.
5. If your spreadsheet does not match the field names, you will see an error. Please edit your sheet and ensure it matches the expected format. Otherwise, continue the import by answering any questions which appear in section 3. Import your data. These will vary depending on the recipe.
6. Click Import data. The import will proceed. Ledger will attempt to match the incoming data with students loaded in Literatu. Any students we cannot find a match for will need to me manually 'name matched'. This is described in the next section.
If you have issues importing, please contact support[at]literatu.com and send a copy of the data you are trying to add.
One of the features of Ledger is that it is an immutable record of a student's learning journey within a school. However, you may occasionally find that imported data has been matched to the incorrect student in Literatu. Or, you may wish to remove an individual student entry completely. To do this:
Login to Literatu with a Community Admin account
Click this URL:
Search for the student, then locate the entry you wish to manage in the timeline. You will see 2 additional icons.
The first will un-match the entry. The entry will no longer appear in the timeline of the selected student, and you will be able to re-match the data to the correct student in Name Matching.
The second will completely remove the entry. Please note, deleting the entry can not be reversed.
Instructions for importing your ACARA SSSR data and scaled score information from Scout
Due to changes in reporting in Scout and the absence of a clean export since 2022, a 2 step import is necessary to surface NAPLAN data down to question level.
The first step involves importing data from SSSR. Since SSSR data does not include scaled scores, a second import is necessary. The entire import process should only take 5 – 10 minutes to complete.
When we import any data, we connect it to a student account in Literatu so that we can build a holistic picture of each student. Before you import your data, please ensure all of your students have been added to Literatu.
1. Open your browser and go to www.literatu.com
2. Login with your Community Administrator account
3. When you login to your new Insights or Ledger community, you may see the NAPLAN import view by default. If you don't, go to or click the hamburger menu at the top left of your Literatu screen and choose Import NAPLAN data from the menu.
4. In the first screen, choose 'Online' as the Test Type and click the 'Continue' button at the bottom right of the screen.
5. Choose 'Aus' as the state, and 'Format 1 - ACARA' as the 'NAPLAN Data Format', and click Continue.
6. Enter the import date in the 'NAPLAN Test Year' field, then drag-and-drop or browse, and add the SSSR files ONLY into the Import window, then click Continue.
We will read the data and show a summary of the test years and grades found. If either are incorrect / missing, please send or share the data with support@literatu.com. If the summary is correct, click 'Continue'.
7. You will see a validation screen which will show every student being imported, their proficiencies and raw scores by domain. It's normal to see blanks cells where the student did not sit a test. However, if you see blank columns, please don't proceed with the import. Instead, email or share the data with support@literatu.com. If the data looks OK, click Continue.
Your data will be imported. Please note, this can take several minutes to complete.
When the SSSR import has completed, restart the import process to add the scaled score data from Scout.
Open each XLSX file downloaded from Scout and save the data in CSV format.
Restart the import, this time choosing:
Online as the test type
Aus as the state
'Backfill Scaled Scores' in the 'NAPLAN Data Format' dropdown
2024 as the NAPLAN test year.
Drag-and-drop the scaled score CSV files into the Import window
Then proceed with the import as outlined above. The data will be joined to your SSSR data to complete the full NAPLAN picture for each student.
When the import is complete, choose the Name Match option on the success pop-up.
The importer will have matched as many names as possible automatically. But, where we are unable to reliably match a name, we will rely on you to match the data to a Literatu student. For example, a student might be Alexander James Smith in your NAPLAN data, but Alex Smith in Literatu.
These unmatched students names from the NAPLAN export will appear beside the closest "fuzzy" match we could find. We use a fuzzy match to try and pick up as many variations as possible. If we have fuzzy-matched the incorrect student, click Search and choose the correct one.
If you have not loaded all students into Literatu, you can run the name match later as a separate process.
Please check the following if you have any issues:
Ensure your files are un-edited
Ensure your import files are saved in the format specified
Check the field names in the spreadsheet for corruption (more common than you'd think). For example:
If you still have issues, please email a description of the problem to support@literatu.com along with the files or a secure link to access them.
Remember, you can always send your data to lidija@literatu or support@literatu, and we will do the import for you, free of charge.
The Explorer and Ledger combines results for current & previous years to show longitudinal progress for students and the school as a whole. This is why we need a few years of Allwell reporting data to get schools started.
As a rule of thumb, we need as many years of history as the school wishes to see in growth. As a minimum we suggest 4 years, however we can import data as far back as 2013.
Obviously, we need data for all tested cohorts and domains.
Login to your Allwell reporting system and export the following files, which are used by the Literatu importer. Please don't rename or edit the files in any way:
Alphanumeric Report as a CSV file.
All maths and reading Skills Profile Student Summary With Questions reports. If they are generated in '.xlsx' format, please save in '.xls' format. Please do not edit the contents or headings in the files themselves.
Samples of these can be downloaded below.
Please contact the test provider if you need instructions or assistance with the export.
To load new Allwell tests, follow the steps below:
1. Open your browser and go to www.literatu.com
3. Select Allwell from the dropdown menu
4, Drag and drop or use Browse to upload the Alphanumeric report first. Once this is uploaded, upload the Maths and/or Reading Skill Profiles, in XLS format.
5. The files will be uploaded and validated. You will the validated list of files in the import queue, where:
File is the name of the file being imported
Test is the short name of the test as it will appear in the Diagnostic Explorer dropdown.
Domain is the test domain, which is defaulted from the import file. You should not need to change this
Cycle Year is the year in which the test was completed, which is defaulted from the import file. You should not need to change this.
Year is the grade/cohort level of the students in the test. If one Group Report contains more than one year, you will see a row of detail for each year.
Progress and Status, which refer to the upload and validation status of each file. If you do not see a green tick in each row, there was an issue uploading and validating the file. Please check that the file is in the correct format. If you can not find the issue, please email the file to support@literatu.com.
Actions. Click the eye icon to preview the file contents. Click the red bin to delete the file from the import queue.
Please ensure all of the information is correct and make any edits required.
6. When you are ready to upload your data, click 'Continue to import'.
7. The next step of the import is name matching; ie matching the students in the Allwell Reports to students accounts in Literatu.
Because Allwell data rarely contains an email address or SIS ID, Literatu matches students by name. We automatically match students where we can. Any students we cannot reliably match appear in a validation screen where you can select the correct student from a dropdown.
If a student does not have a literatu account, their data will be imported in a limited way. They will appear in the Zone of Proximal Development report only. When their Literatu account is loaded and their names are matched, the data will appear in all Diagnostic Explorer reports, in Insights dashboard and in Ledger (if licensed).
8. Click 'Import all files above' to complete the import. A progress bar will track the import and you will see a confirmation message when the import is complete.
2. Login with your Community Administrator account, and go to