Instructions for importing your ACARA SSSR data and scaled score information from Scout
Due to changes in reporting in Scout and the absence of a clean export since 2022, a 2 step import is necessary to surface NAPLAN data down to question level.
The first step involves importing data from SSSR. Since SSSR data does not include scaled scores, a second import is necessary. The entire import process should only take 5 – 10 minutes to complete.
When we import any data, we connect it to a student account in Literatu so that we can build a holistic picture of each student. Before you import your data, please ensure all of your students have been added to Literatu.
1. Open your browser and go to
2. Login with your Community Administrator account
3. When you login to your new Insights or Ledger community, you may see the NAPLAN import view by default. If you don't, go to or click the hamburger menu at the top left of your Literatu screen and choose Import NAPLAN data from the menu.
4. In the first screen, choose 'Online' as the Test Type and click the 'Continue' button at the bottom right of the screen.
5. Choose 'Aus' as the state, and 'Format 1 - ACARA' as the 'NAPLAN Data Format', and click Continue.
6. Enter the import date in the 'NAPLAN Test Year' field, then drag-and-drop or browse, and add the SSSR files ONLY into the Import window, then click Continue.
We will read the data and show a summary of the test years and grades found. If either are incorrect / missing, please send or share the data with If the summary is correct, click 'Continue'.
7. You will see a validation screen which will show every student being imported, their proficiencies and raw scores by domain. It's normal to see blanks cells where the student did not sit a test. However, if you see blank columns, please don't proceed with the import. Instead, email or share the data with If the data looks OK, click Continue.
Your data will be imported. Please note, this can take several minutes to complete.
When the SSSR import has completed, restart the import process to add the scaled score data from Scout.
Open each XLSX file downloaded from Scout and save the data in CSV format.
Restart the import, this time choosing:
Online as the test type
Aus as the state
'Backfill Scaled Scores' in the 'NAPLAN Data Format' dropdown
2024 as the NAPLAN test year.
Drag-and-drop the scaled score CSV files into the Import window
Then proceed with the import as outlined above. The data will be joined to your SSSR data to complete the full NAPLAN picture for each student.
When the import is complete, choose the Name Match option on the success pop-up.
The importer will have matched as many names as possible automatically. But, where we are unable to reliably match a name, we will rely on you to match the data to a Literatu student. For example, a student might be Alexander James Smith in your NAPLAN data, but Alex Smith in Literatu.
These unmatched students names from the NAPLAN export will appear beside the closest "fuzzy" match we could find. We use a fuzzy match to try and pick up as many variations as possible. If we have fuzzy-matched the incorrect student, click Search and choose the correct one.
If you have not loaded all students into Literatu, you can run the name match later as a separate process.
Please check the following if you have any issues:
Ensure your files are un-edited
Ensure your import files are saved in the format specified
Check the field names in the spreadsheet for corruption (more common than you'd think). For example:
If you still have issues, please email a description of the problem to along with the files or a secure link to access them.
Remember, you can always send your data to lidija@literatu or support@literatu, and we will do the import for you, free of charge.