Growing strong writing skills is hard work. Everyone agrees that students must practise writing more. More practice means more feedback and more feedback needs more time. Who has more time?
Each student has a level of writing skills, each teacher has a level of writing instruction skills. These skills join as teachers and students work together in natural feedback loops. The problem with manual feedback loops is they consume teacher time and change with the diversity of student specific needs.
The job English and Humanities teachers do is multi-faceted. They need to manage effective strategies that extend advanced writers, scaffold instruction for low performance writers and often build ESL base skills.
Teachers do all this while maintaining a standards and curriculum aligned track for everyone including content delivery.
How do teachers cope without some respite from the continuous hours of discovery and feedback in the interaction loops they build with students? According to McKinsey, humanities teachers already work 10-15 hours overtime a week. It can be quite dis-heartening when many hours do not lead to improved results.
Ultimately Scribo helps English and humanities teachers save time getting their job done. There are many benefits Scribo can deliver, all of them designed to help teachers do their job in less time, with better information.
Scribo AI gives English and humanities educators access to an Additional Instructor to help them SAVE TIME, increase student engagement and be guided the critical DATA they need to do their job. Scribo connects educators and students, via engagement and feedback loops that support writing.
Scribo also helps students SAVE TIME and improve their ENGLISH WRITING SKILLS by motivating them to engage in writing more, supported by instant personalised feedback. Personalised feedback lifts student self directed learning, a critical element for improving writing.