Scaffolds are ALL about you and what you would like to give students as supporting materials – links, checklists, videos, images – you name it.
Scaffolds are created from the Scribo Main Menu. They are linked to Activities to add context to what you are trying to do and how you are supporting students.
The level of support you give to students as they work can be adjusted by a scaffold. Scaffolds that give much, or little, advice and guidance to students can be linked at student level when the scaffold is assigned.
Maybe you have ESL Students that need more support with additional videos and images, or some bi-lingual support?
Maybe you have resources in Google and Web links that you can add for some students.
Maybe you want to set up a WEB Quest (a bit old fashioned) that lets students follow along a pathway in Google Docs or Word. Scaffolds come through in the Google Doc Add-in and Word.
Remember you can share Scaffolds across the school.
Make Scaffolds public and share them across the District.
Scaffolds are super flexible. If you can format a page of text, you can build a Scaffold.
Cut and paste
Build the scaffold on screen
Add Checklists!
Scaffolds are shared across three levels.
Private (My Scaffolds)
Community Scaffolds
Public Scaffolds
You can copy any scaffold and make it yours
You can share yours with the Community
Tag the Scaffold so people can find it
Name – Give it a good name
Type – We have a drop down menu
Subject – What subject uses this type of Scaffold?
Years – What years does it apply to?
Scaffolds save as you work – just like Google
Use Emojis to make it look cool (Windows Key plus)
Scaffolds are managed from the main Scribo menu.
Go into the Activity you want to assign.
Go to the Student Experience Section – select Setup Scaffold.
Link the Scaffold you want to be the DEFAULT ONE FOR ALL STUDENTS for this Activity.
View and make sure you have the right one.
If there are students that need more/less/different Scaffolds, then select the Scaffold for each of these students individually.
When a student goes into Scribo and opens the Activity, the Scaffold forms part of their context. Differentiated scaffolds, if set up, launch for different students.