How long has it taken to get to here? Scribo tracks your text and shows differences.
Teachers and students can see the journey of writing versions. These versions are stored each time a Writing Check is done by a student.
If your feedback is not inspiring any advance in a student's writing, that's a problem. Seeing how much writing students can get through is an interesting metric, and seeing how students progress their writing is interesting as well.
Deleted text is red, added text is green. The most current is on the left.
All Versions going back to day 1 are available
Show or Hide the Difference
Restore a Version
Close Versions
Practice makes the difference. Practice takes time, feedback takes more time. Scribo knows this and really helps everyone.
Activities can align to any writing context you want to create. They can bring together a range of objectives and elements tailored to what you want to achieve in way less time.
"Honestly, I use Scribo and its AI and Machine Learning for one major reason. It takes away the part of my job I honestly do not want to do, and it gives me the feedback I need to be a FAR BETTER EDUCATOR!" Gabriel Suppiah Score Campus Founder
One of Scribo's core features is giving students the ability to check their writing for a range of writing errors and issues as they are writing. Why wait for the writing errors to become a teacher's problem? Busy marking work accounts for almost 70% of teacher interactions with students.
When the 'Students can self-check their writing' is activated, students can check their writing in Scribo.
There are options that you set up to allow this to happen. These options can be isolated or used in combination.
In each Writing Activity Context, there are key options that drive the way students connect to time-saving features.
This is an Essay. Students need to include an introduction with a thesis statement. Obviously, not all essays are equal. If this is not something you want students to have feedback on, or you have not yet got their heads around thesis statements, don't select this.
Students can self-check their writing. In the Elements table above, the fundamental writing components that Scribo monitors are listed. These are all available for students to see and use unless you want them to focus on 1 or 2 items in line with what you are trying to achieve.
Deselect the writing elements that you don't want students to access.
Imagine you are working on Vocabulary this week and you are trying to get everyone centred on finding and using more academic words. Select Vocabulary only. If your passion this week is Sentences and Passive Voice, turn everything else off.
If you dont de-select, your students will see them.
Show Keywords in writing check. A great option for restricting support. If you want students to have access to keywords you set up for them, turn this option on. If not, leave it off. In an exam situation you may or may not want to give keywords support.
You don't get stuck with options you cannot change – you can always go back into the Activity and change options to suit you, even if the Activity has been assigned to students. If you want to get students working without support, close down Student Check. When you are ready, open it back up! You can alter options as you like to support your approach.
If you change a Scaffold or add one midstream, Save will reset the options.
If you change Writing Plans, Scribo will wipe the existing Plans and create a new container that will update students. They will lose their plan if it has been completed.
Activities To Do – any writing tasks that students have been assigned will be shown by class. Classes are shown along the top. Each Student also has a private Class where they can do student based writing checks with topics and activities that are outside of the teacher-led activities.
Everything that is Complete is kept. All history and feedback is online, all the time.
Open the Activity.
Students can create their own personal Writing Checks, outside of the Activity context teachers assign. A Commerce student might use this, even though his or her Commerce teacher does not.
Each Student gets Writing Insights that show where they have made errors and where they have reduced them with Scribo.
Activity setup options enable the features available to the students.
This student has the full complement of features, EXCEPT Show Keywords
Writing Check
Rubric Marking
Writing Plan
If the Show Keywords option had been enabled, they would be shown under Topic.
Students see their text, or enter their text, and the Writing Stimulus. Everyone gets the same writing Stimulus – pictures, videos, tips and hints – whatever you added when you created the Activity. >> Exams usually don't have stimulus text, however in this context, stimulus text could be used for instructions.
Each Essay/Writing Activity can have targets – they are always shown in the same place.
The question you asked is here. The more or less you add to the question, the more or less text is shown here. Keywords are shown here if the option to show is enabled.
If the original document is linked from Word or Google Docs by the student, Scribo links the text from that document and brings it into vision here. The text is not editable as that needs to be done in Google or Word. A link is given back to the document.
If the student's text is cut and pasted or even written into Scribo, the text is editable and any suggested changes can be accepted.
Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation is enabled in text that is controlled by Scribo. In Word and Google the spelling and grammar is done by Word or Google.
Scribo does not support images in the Scribo Text panel. Images in Word and Google Docs will be excluded.
This feature allows Scribo to be used in a formative or summative test environment where no grammar and spelling support is offered to students. This is what we call a cold writing ability. This is very useful for teachers to quickly set up a task and see where students' skills are at.
In Text mode and Cold Writing mode, teachers can watch all progress via Live Monitoring.
Writing Check is a rich area for feedback and promoting student self-help.
REMEMBER you turned on all of the Options and Contexts in Activity setup.
REMEMBER that you gave students access to all of these options on the left, not us. We do default to all unless we are told otherwise. OVERALL and PARAGRAPH feedback are always shown.
Revisions are available to everyone (more on this later).
Read Text is used frequently!
Report is excellent for students as well.
Across 4 common metrics for writing, Scribo builds personalised high-level comments. The levels are Task Completion, Language Conventions, Word Choice and Writing Suggestions. Note that feedback can be translated into a student's preferred language. This translates all feedback that follows.
Feedback is tailored about the paragraph. This feedback includes a mixture of other elements that are listed below. You can follow the links. Feedback is colour-coded. RED is serious, ORANGE is an easier fix and a waste of marks if you don't fix it and GREEN is good work. All feedback is personalised.
Su (Summary)
Ever wanted to see the main points made through all of the ... other words? Scribo AI summarises the main points made and tracks where they are in the text. It is interesting how out of place some points are! Usually we cap it at 6 identified points. This is a great feature for humanities teachers!
GS (Grammar and Spelling)
We put a lot of effort into this element. Apart from Grammar and Spelling, there is now a Clarity section that looks at where words can be reworded or dropped to make the text more clear. Suggestions are offered. There is no auto-correct feature as we want students to think about and read the advice before they fix errors.
Pv (Passive Voice)
Although Passive Voice sometimes has its place, Active Voice is a better habit, but needs a different way of approaching the sentence. Too much PV makes writing hard to read.
Co (Cohesives)
We do a really good job of finding simple and advanced cohesives. Have a look at the Cohesives Explorer and see if you can find something other than 'and'. Scribo does not like you using more than 2 'and' words in a sentence.
Vo (Vocabulary)
Scribo isolates and finds Common, Advanced, Intermediate and Academic words. Repeated words are also shown. To get a higher score, you need to increase the use of more advanced language (though this is possibly not the case for younger writers).
Se (Sentences)
Scribo looks for all types of sentences, with a focus on finding fragmented ones. The more variety of sentences, the better the text is to read.
Re (Readability)
How did a student go from a Readability score of 60 to 22? Maybe cut and paste? Readability swings show where writing is not 'their own'. A score of 0 is a life insurance policy and 100 is like reading Dr Seuss. It's a scale that seems back to front – writing in the green zones is a good target.
St (Styles)
When the Activity is created, genres and Styles can be selected. If Compare and Contrast is required, for example, Scribo will find where the writing implements a compare and contrast language. A good essay will have balance and variety.
Ke (Keywords)
Which Keywords were used and which ones were missed? Scribo tries to help you find synonyms and alternatives for each Keyword.
One of the key jobs English and humanities teachers do is to instruct writing. This is where the busy part of teaching is, keeping differing levels of students on track.
There are many elements and jobs to be supported when it comes to writing instruction.
Scribo has core features that help support this important work. The key to writing instruction is having the same feedback flowing all the time. Consistency of feedback and relentless reminders to students does make a difference ... it also takes the most time.
Support development of ideas coherently and cohesively into sentences and paragraphs.
Organise ideas across styles and genres of writing.
Model explicit teaching of writing skills.
Recognise and build on existing skills and knowledge of the group.
Lower Primary – interactive writing support and common edits.
Senior College – encourage students to take responsibility for writing improvement.
Help teachers monitor core writing disciplines like vocabulary and spelling development across the class
Scriblet is a unique way for teachers to engage with Primary writers, to get them going, have more time with each student and support them as they write. Avatars build and sustain energy.
Students choose their Avatar buddy. Whenever they like they can get some advice from their buddy. Checks are made across common grammar, punctuation and spelling errors as well as vocabulary, long sentences and word choices. It's a safe way for students to self-power reviewing their text and learning without constantly asking teachers.
Students can grade themselves against a Rubric for the Activity
Students can access the rubric assigned to the Activity and grade their work against it as part of a self-evaluation process.
Rubrics will appear for students when the option in Activity creation is set to 'Allow Students to Self Grade?'
Students can open the description and select a score from the element, from the rubric. Their score will be shown in yellow, teacher grades are shown in blue when teachers assign their view.
Scribo now supports multiple Rubric scores, opening up drafting to be a dynamic event able to be scored multiple times.
Example: 👨🦱 A student writes a text –
👨⚕️ Student self-grades against the Rubric
👩🎓 Teacher sees the levels chosen by the student
👩🎓 Teacher completes the Rubric (the intent is to say "if you hand this in now, you are at this level")
👩⚕️ Student does more work and re-rates their view
👩🎓 Teacher updates the Rubric with a revised view
👨⚕️ Students sees impact of changes
🎨 ... and so it goes.
👩🎓 Teachers see the history of Rubric grades on their side of Live Monitoring
Feedback is sensational in Scribo. Teachers give it, find it and analyse it. Before it was lost forever.
In Live Monitoring, Teachers give Students live feedback.
Feedback falls into two categories – Great Work or Needs Improvement
Feedback is classified into one of 6 types (Cohesives, Sentences, Grammar Paragraphs, Vocab, Topic and Other)
Feedback can be directed to a student or group (handy time-saver, no more duplication)
Feedback can be set up as selected as a standard clause – one click, saves spelling errors
Feedback is tagged to text positions.
Teachers and students never lose feedback again. How much feedback do you give to students and never see again? How long does it take you to open all documents in Google, track feedback and surface your feedback?
If the text was written using Google Docs, Scribo feedback goes back into the overall Google Document Comments so that if you are used to seeing feedback in Google, Scribo sends it there.
Students can plan their work based on a Plan their teacher attaches to an Activity.
Teachers link a Plan to a Writing Activity.
Students get the plan and any preloaded comments into their workspace. They can add information, drag keywords, brainstorm and move their ideas and research around. If the student is using Chrome, they can use the Record option to complete text entry.
Teachers get to see the student plan and who has done one.
Fullscreen or summary modes are easy to swap. Students who plan to write, usually write to plan and do a better job. Plan frameworks can only be changed by Teachers.
Students can drag Keywords across the sections.
Plans can be amended at any time by students.
Scaffolds are the way to differentiate writing support, by student.
The level of support you give to students as they work can be adjusted by a scaffold. Scaffolds can give any level of advice and guidance to students and differentiated, at student level, when the Activity is assigned.
Maybe you have ESL Students that need more support than others via extra videos and images, or some bi-lingual support.
Maybe you have resources in Google and Web links that you can add for some students and not for others. You can copy and change Scaffolds.
Maybe you want to set up a WEB Quest (a blast from the past!) that lets students follow a fully documented scaffold in Google Docs or Word. The Scaffolds panel comes up in the Google Docs Add-in and Word.
Remember you can share Scaffolds across the school simply by clicking Share when the Scaffold is created.
Scaffolds can be made public for you to share across all schools.
Scaffolds are dynamic, with checkboxes used to create lists to be ticked off.
Teachers can see scaffold completion in Live Monitoring.
Scaffolds can be used to direct students all around the web. Web links will open new browser windows.
Students can use Scribo to check their writing at any time. Hand ownership back to students before they hand their errors over to you.
Give students more responsibility for their writing to learn as much as they can, as they write. There is no value in GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) corrections for a teacher, especially across multiple essays from multiple students, all the time.
The Activity context created by teachers is created by Scribo to guide students and personalise feedback.
Each student account has a 'Personal Writing Check' space that is not connected to class activities.
A quick writing check will only ask for year and subject. Advanced Writing check asks for the question. Select Advanced Writing Check.
Give the Activity a title. Enter the writing prompt for your text. Make sure it is the entire question. Scribo reads the question, searches for keywords and instruction words and builds the writing context used in the writing check.
Tailor the keywords, limiting words and select the right instruction words. Not all questions have verbs as instruction words. Our recommendation is to locate the question requirements and tag the correct instruction words. You can correct these any time and rerun your writing check. The Instruction words link to the style analysis Scribo presents in writing check reports.
If you would like to build a writing plan for your text, select 'Set up a writing plan'.
Select the style of Writing Plan you are used to using or that your school follows. You can choose any type and add or change the number of paragraphs and headings.
Your writing plan accompanies your writing panel and context.