How long has it taken to get to here? Scribo tracks your text and shows differences.
Teachers and students can see the journey of writing versions. These versions are stored each time a Writing Check is done by a student.
If your feedback is not inspiring any advance in a student's writing, that's a problem. Seeing how much writing students can get through is an interesting metric, and seeing how students progress their writing is interesting as well.
Deleted text is red, added text is green. The most current is on the left.
All Versions going back to day 1 are available
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Writing Check is a rich area for feedback and promoting student self-help.
REMEMBER you turned on all of the Options and Contexts in Activity setup.
REMEMBER that you gave students access to all of these options on the left, not us. We do default to all unless we are told otherwise. OVERALL and PARAGRAPH feedback are always shown.
Revisions are available to everyone (more on this later).
Read Text is used frequently!
Report is excellent for students as well.
Across 4 common metrics for writing, Scribo builds personalised high-level comments. The levels are Task Completion, Language Conventions, Word Choice and Writing Suggestions. Note that feedback can be translated into a student's preferred language. This translates all feedback that follows.
Feedback is tailored about the paragraph. This feedback includes a mixture of other elements that are listed below. You can follow the links. Feedback is colour-coded. RED is serious, ORANGE is an easier fix and a waste of marks if you don't fix it and GREEN is good work. All feedback is personalised.
Su (Summary)
Ever wanted to see the main points made through all of the ... other words? Scribo AI summarises the main points made and tracks where they are in the text. It is interesting how out of place some points are! Usually we cap it at 6 identified points. This is a great feature for humanities teachers!
GS (Grammar and Spelling)
We put a lot of effort into this element. Apart from Grammar and Spelling, there is now a Clarity section that looks at where words can be reworded or dropped to make the text more clear. Suggestions are offered. There is no auto-correct feature as we want students to think about and read the advice before they fix errors.
Pv (Passive Voice)
Although Passive Voice sometimes has its place, Active Voice is a better habit, but needs a different way of approaching the sentence. Too much PV makes writing hard to read.
Co (Cohesives)
We do a really good job of finding simple and advanced cohesives. Have a look at the Cohesives Explorer and see if you can find something other than 'and'. Scribo does not like you using more than 2 'and' words in a sentence.
Vo (Vocabulary)
Scribo isolates and finds Common, Advanced, Intermediate and Academic words. Repeated words are also shown. To get a higher score, you need to increase the use of more advanced language (though this is possibly not the case for younger writers).
Se (Sentences)
Scribo looks for all types of sentences, with a focus on finding fragmented ones. The more variety of sentences, the better the text is to read.
Re (Readability)
How did a student go from a Readability score of 60 to 22? Maybe cut and paste? Readability swings show where writing is not 'their own'. A score of 0 is a life insurance policy and 100 is like reading Dr Seuss. It's a scale that seems back to front – writing in the green zones is a good target.
St (Styles)
When the Activity is created, genres and Styles can be selected. If Compare and Contrast is required, for example, Scribo will find where the writing implements a compare and contrast language. A good essay will have balance and variety.
Ke (Keywords)
Which Keywords were used and which ones were missed? Scribo tries to help you find synonyms and alternatives for each Keyword.
Activities To Do – any writing tasks that students have been assigned will be shown by class. Classes are shown along the top. Each Student also has a private Class where they can do student based writing checks with topics and activities that are outside of the teacher-led activities.
Everything that is Complete is kept. All history and feedback is online, all the time.
Open the Activity.
Students can create their own personal Writing Checks, outside of the Activity context teachers assign. A Commerce student might use this, even though his or her Commerce teacher does not.
Each Student gets Writing Insights that show where they have made errors and where they have reduced them with Scribo.
Activity setup options enable the features available to the students.
This student has the full complement of features, EXCEPT Show Keywords
Writing Check
Rubric Marking
Writing Plan
If the Show Keywords option had been enabled, they would be shown under Topic.
Students see their text, or enter their text, and the Writing Stimulus. Everyone gets the same writing Stimulus – pictures, videos, tips and hints – whatever you added when you created the Activity. >> Exams usually don't have stimulus text, however in this context, stimulus text could be used for instructions.
Each Essay/Writing Activity can have targets – they are always shown in the same place.
The question you asked is here. The more or less you add to the question, the more or less text is shown here. Keywords are shown here if the option to show is enabled.
If the original document is linked from Word or Google Docs by the student, Scribo links the text from that document and brings it into vision here. The text is not editable as that needs to be done in Google or Word. A link is given back to the document.
If the student's text is cut and pasted or even written into Scribo, the text is editable and any suggested changes can be accepted.
Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation is enabled in text that is controlled by Scribo. In Word and Google the spelling and grammar is done by Word or Google.
Scribo does not support images in the Scribo Text panel. Images in Word and Google Docs will be excluded.
This feature allows Scribo to be used in a formative or summative test environment where no grammar and spelling support is offered to students. This is what we call a cold writing ability. This is very useful for teachers to quickly set up a task and see where students' skills are at.
In Text mode and Cold Writing mode, teachers can watch all progress via Live Monitoring.