Writing data is captured every time a student does a writing check. The details are recorded in great detail and stored, ready for analysis.
Normally, Feedback goes missing. Across Word, Google, red pens and paper, no-one has a fix on feedback and the type of feedback that is being given. This makes it really hard to know if feedback is working.
The thing about feedback is that to measure it, you have to catch it – somewhere. Scribo makes this simple.
When feedback is entered in Scribo there are a few features that make the data richer if you use them.
Each piece of feedback is linked to Cohesion, Paragraph, Sentences, Grammar, Topic, Vocabulary or Other. These are along the top.
Text can be recorded using Chrome browsers – faster than typing and fewer errors.
Feedback can be made for the group or an individual.
Feedback gets classified as Well Done or Needs Work
Feedback tags are pre-linked to Categories, have pre-worded descriptors and can be managed, maintained, shared and personalised.
These elements improve the data quality captured by feedback.
In the left column, Feedback is listed by category.
For each category, more detail can be shown with one click. Track feedback across the Group or Student category.
Click the pie chart on the top right of Live Monitoring. A dissection of feedback groups by Well Done, Needs Work and Overall tag if used.
Scribo keeps a count of all feedback counts, allowing you to see where feedback is trending up or down. Ideally, feedback should improve error rates and decline over time.