Take away the GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) support and the wheels fall off writing. Many teachers agree.
The GPS analogy is like Google Maps and the other GPS acronyms. Nowadays people drive around not knowing the name of the road they are on. Take away Google and everyone is lost and no-one knows how to get from A to B.
It’s like writing without GPS support. Cold writing is a blank screen, just like a blank piece of paper handed out in Diagnostic Testing. Write something, and apply your best GPS without any support. Often this style of testing discovers the extent of the GPS core issues as well as word choices, cohesion, sentence structure and paragraphing.
Scribo lets teachers run a Cold Writing activity in class, removing all GPS and surrounding assistance from the writing space. When everyone is complete, the Cohort Analysis is run to give a complete view into where to start working with students.
If teachers wanted to give a writing prompt or scaffold for the question, no problem. The level of student interaction is defined by teachers. Of course, in this scenario, students are not allowed to do a writing check.
Cold Writing with a scaffold to get students writing is one idea!
As students create their responses, teachers can Live Monitor the text. Why wait for all texts to be handed in before planning lessons ahead? Live feedback and writing checks can be run at any time.
Any time teachers want to see a cohort report, they simply ask for one. All that is needed is at least two student responses and Scribo does the rest.