Scribo FAQ. Let us know if you have more.
Scribo is a complete platform that you decide how you use.
For Educators, Scribo saves time supporting and developing student writing skills. Scribo gives key student feedback and discovering where instruction is needed through better information. It is well acknowledged that to improve writing skills, students need to write more. More writing needs more educator feedback, more feedback means more time. No one has more time. Educators need more support from technology to invest more of their available time Teaching.
"Scribo gives me more time to be a better teacher" G Suppiah - Dean - Score Campus
For students, Scribo is an AI driven, intelligent online writing assistant giving them personalised feedback and guidance on their writing, in seconds. Scribo works across multiple levels of analysis showing where and how students could improve their writing and lift overall quality.
"Scribo really gives students more ownership in their writing and that is the key." C Yuen
Scribo connects educators to students as they work. Educators can live monitor student progress with the ability to add feedback quickly and simply. This opens 'journey' based monitoring and mentoring for teachers adding value to student writing outcomes while saving time for teachers.
Scribo connects automatic student feedback with teacher visibility of the same feedback. This connection and gathering of data as students write helps teacher quickly see where students need more targeted teaching support.
Importantly Scribo shows students where to IMPROVE their writing, alongside suggested revisions of their writing.
Without doubt, the two most loved features of Scribo are :
instant, personalised feedback that helps students improve the quality of their writing. Scribo gives students ement in which they feel supported and encouraged to improve and be more authentic writers.
students have more ownership in their writing development. Educators and students see an increase in student submission quality simply through students having more ownership in their writing. Leaders love the supporting benchmark data and it’s value as evidence to support programs of development.
Technology in schools is a busy and complex environment. There are student management systems, Learning Management Systems, plagiarism checks, grading systems and more. Many systems are based around the logistics of work product.
Scribo does not have to be integrated into the conga line of technology logistics to make an impact on supporting and improving student writing. Why? Because writing is what students do alone, 99% of the time under the radar of academic oversight. Scribo works with students directly and improves the visibility of student progress for educators.
Each student's Word or Google Docs environment is typically where they work, from when they are given a written task to when they hand the work in. The Student Writing Zone is where Scribo works, supporting them directly as they work alone using the platforms they always work in like Google and Office. It's logical that this environment can be supported by what we call SOLO mode. Students feel supported, and advice is consistent and free flowing.
If educators want to be involved in the writing/creation journey of their students, Scribo has a Connected Mode. In connected mode, educators 'connect' to the live writing of students, contributing live feedback and watching over at-risk students. Scribo delivers live analytics to academic staff, tracking improvement and many other metrics that can be used for efficacy, proof of value and evidence.
Scribo is available for students either on the Web or in Google Docs or WORD O365 as an Add-On.
Scribo can be run in SOLO mode by students with no connected educator oversight. In SOLO mode students do not have to be connected to a class or teacher.
Scribo lets educators link writing plans, scaffolds and support materials students access when writing with Scribo. Scribo also gives students scaffolding tools to help them plan their work. Scaffolds are used to differentiate support offered to various students as they write.
Scribo is suitable for question and text response. There is no limitation on course type or subject matter. When students enter the question prompt, Scribo automatically discovers the context of the question, isolating the keywords, task and limiting words for the essay. Scribo uses these parameters to guide students in the essay response analysis.
Yes, Scribo analyses over 16 different writing styles, including three 'voices', to check if students have followed the question requirements and answered the question. Scribo tracks the efficiency of over 16 different writing styles like Compare, Contrast, Expand Ideas, Give Examples, Cause and Effect, Expand Ideas, Quote and more. Students can select the styles they want to check.
Scribo reads all students’ texts and creates a multi-layer analysis of cohort writing. With these insights, educators see across live examples of student work. Teachable moments are ready, examples from live text are extracted ready for lesson planning, and deep analysis and insights are created in minutes across all students.
Scribo supports very flexible Rubric marking – from your Rubric definitions, not ours. Letter grading and number based X/Y grading as a number or percentage is supported. Students can self grade against a Rubric. Rubric grading supports multiple revisions meaning Scibo can be used for marking drafts.
5 automated feedback capabilities of Scribo include:
Extensive feedback on writing is generated automatically, paragraph by paragraph. Students rate this feedback as sensational.
Educators can ‘drop’ text based feedback onto student work as they work.
Feedback can be spoken – full voice to text capability.
Feedback libraries can be used to shortcut common feedback points.
Feedback statistics are available to Educators instantly with one click.
Summative writing tasks are used extensively in Scribo. Students are given a topic, possibly a supporting scaffold, and a neutral writing space to address the question. This writing space has no spell checking or grammar checking support. Educators finally see the levels of writing in a cohort as they really are. All data flows into analysis and feedback.
Scribo AI auto grades the summative writing tasks, further reducing the load on teachers. Simply get students writing and hand over the texts to AI grading. Seconds later, the grading and data analysis is complete.
Yes. Scribo can be used across all faculty subjects at all levels of learning. Differences in feedback include the level of the feedback, the depth of the question answer and obviously the student response.
Scribo blends into existing workflows
Yes. Educators can monitor student work as they work in Scribo Web, O365 or in Google Docs. Educators work with a linked copy holding comments/feedback.
Yes. Educators can run a cohort report that summarises the writing results and trends for the whole class or cohort at any time. This panel report is also available at student level.
Yes. Scribo builds efficacy models that show where Students are accessing Scribo and the impact Scribo is making on improvement. Scribo aggregates many major metrics and can break them down in many different ways.
Yes. Scribo builds data from the lowest level of identification. From Student → Educator → Course → Year → Subject → Faculty → School → Dept/District.
Key insights show educators the students and areas that are improving, and those which are not.
No surprise there. Yes. Scribo has been designed to achieve three main outcomes and in so doing, be relevant to three clear sets of stakeholders in a comprehensive way.
Engage students with full-time writing support that does more than writing correction. Analysis and feedback makes the biggest difference via real connections to student writing growth. Universities must provide reasonable support to enable students to achieve expected learning outcomes.
Educators have live student connections to student progress, feedback, learning analytics and supporting workflows all reducing workloads and time demands.
Schools and Faculty leaders have a strong base for improvement through live data analytics collated across multiple levels. This is the backbone of writing improvement and data for benchmarking and targeted teaching.
Scribo fits into your ecosystem. There is no point having another one!
Yes, Scribo is delivered to Schools and Colleges via the cloud. Anyone can log in from anywhere there is a web connection, and your login email or user account can be validated. All data is stored in Country of Origin.
Yes, Scribo integrates with both. Your primary Google or O365 account can create a Scribo account with single click access – no new passwords. Register with Google and/or Microsoft accounts from the Register screen.
Yes, Scribo uses Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence extensively to make every student and educators’ life easier. All feedback generated by Scribo for students is created using our NLP, ML and AI technology. The data created is kept confidential and unique to the context of your School / Scribo Community. Data that is shared and used to aggregate and inference learning data across all writing is used in anonymity.
Yes, Scribo is fully integrated with O365 and Teams. Educators can synchronize courses and activities in one click utilising the powerful remote chat capabilities of Teams to include students. Scribo is an Add-on available from the Microsoft Store.
Planning to run feedback online is a topical scenario now with COVID-19 being an everyday reality. Scribo can easily facilitate tutor - student feedback without any need for personal contact. Using O365 and or Google Docs with Scribo makes the feedback process native and simple to set up.
Yes. Scribo is an Add-on in both platforms. Scribo for G-Suite works in Docs, Scribo for O365 works in Word without forcing students away from their authoring platform of choice. Scribo for Teams links collaboration around a cohort, enabling sharing and support to be built into the writing process.
Yes, Student and course keys are the quickest way to get students on-boarded. If you use O365 and/or Google register using SSO and enter a key. Instantly your course is ready to go and students can quickly join.
No, Scribo is HTML 5 delivered. There are no plugins required and Scribo works with all major browsers.
Scribo integrates with SIS and timetable systems directly. Integration with LMS is via LTI launch.
Scribo data can be exported in BI formats for further analysis. We have a direct link from our Ledger platform to Power BI and Tableau or other BI tools and platforms.
On boarding is fast and effective
To use Scribo, Schools must register with Literatu. Scribo is NOT a free service, however it can be trialed FREE for 21 days for up to 50 students in a class. We encourage the use of a single School Community for multiple educator accounts.
If you would like to register for a Scribo Trial and your school has an 'edu' or 'org' in the domain address you can register with this link :
Educators and students register using community / class access keys or via our Literatu university on-boarding process. Scribo integrates directly with LTI, O365, Google, Google Classroom and LDAP protocols to establish educator, student access, courses and accounts. If you have any of these, please let us know. For the purposes of a trial, we issue an Educator registration code. Educators create courses and give students course key codes to self register.
Students can SSO (Single Sign On) in Scribo using their O365 or Google account. With a Student Access code, registration into a course is simple and fast.
Yes. Students can register and login to Scribo for a live trial. They are taken on a tour of Scribo and encouraged to try Scribo live.
Scribo is used in all levels of K12 education to check and promote writing skills and techniques. Scribo does this through:
Active writing connections to students with immediate feedback and analysis powered by the Scribo AI and ML engine.
Live connections between students and tutors to help reduce the time taken for current feedback and guidance.
Integrated Data analytics that find and highlight where targeted support could have an immediate impact on student writing.