Scribo fits into your ecosystem. There is no point having another one!
Yes, Scribo is delivered to Schools and Colleges via the cloud. Anyone can log in from anywhere there is a web connection, and your login email or user account can be validated. All data is stored in Country of Origin.
Yes, Scribo integrates with both. Your primary Google or O365 account can create a Scribo account with single click access – no new passwords. Register with Google and/or Microsoft accounts from the Register screen.
Yes, Scribo uses Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence extensively to make every student and educators’ life easier. All feedback generated by Scribo for students is created using our NLP, ML and AI technology. The data created is kept confidential and unique to the context of your School / Scribo Community. Data that is shared and used to aggregate and inference learning data across all writing is used in anonymity.
Yes, Scribo is fully integrated with O365 and Teams. Educators can synchronize courses and activities in one click utilising the powerful remote chat capabilities of Teams to include students. Scribo is an Add-on available from the Microsoft Store.
Planning to run feedback online is a topical scenario now with COVID-19 being an everyday reality. Scribo can easily facilitate tutor - student feedback without any need for personal contact. Using O365 and or Google Docs with Scribo makes the feedback process native and simple to set up.
Yes. Scribo is an Add-on in both platforms. Scribo for G-Suite works in Docs, Scribo for O365 works in Word without forcing students away from their authoring platform of choice. Scribo for Teams links collaboration around a cohort, enabling sharing and support to be built into the writing process.
Yes, Student and course keys are the quickest way to get students on-boarded. If you use O365 and/or Google register using SSO and enter a key. Instantly your course is ready to go and students can quickly join.
No, Scribo is HTML 5 delivered. There are no plugins required and Scribo works with all major browsers.
Scribo integrates with SIS and timetable systems directly. Integration with LMS is via LTI launch.
Scribo data can be exported in BI formats for further analysis. We have a direct link from our Ledger platform to Power BI and Tableau or other BI tools and platforms.