Scribo has many pre-set writing activities across various libraries. Teachers in a school Community have access to their Library and the School Library
Well, simply a Library is a collection of Writing Activities. Each Teacher has their own Library and has access to a School Library.
As teachers create Activities they can Share their Activities to the School Library or keep them under their control. It's best to Share!
Select Add Activity - From the Library
This is your personal Library
These are your current Draft Activities
This is your School Shared Activity Library - full of other teacher ideas
This activates the Publisher Libraries you have access to
If you don't have any Activities in your Library, there is a link to free Publisher Activities you can experiment with.
We have built several libraries of Activities that we can open for you. We are always opening new Activity Libraries. For all new teachers there are Free sample Activities in the Publisher Libraries.
Over 65 Academic and General level writing activities. They all have scaffold support, writing plans and exemplars. These Activities auto-grade with CEFR scoring.
Over 150 Grade level Writing Activities covering a range of interesting topics. They are complete with Writing Plans, Scaffolds and exemplars.
Narrative / Persuasive Assessment
A choice of auto graded writing assessments. These are great for establishing class writing levels.
Search across the Library - Topic, Word, Level etc - We will show what we find
The libraries you have access to.
The fields you can search on are shown on the right. These change depending on the Library you are searching.
Click Assign when you are ready.
Scribo show a full Preview of what you have chosen. Enter a Start Date and click Assign now.
The Class shown at the top of the screen is the Class the Activity will be assigned to.
There are a number of different ways you can add classes, students and teachers to your Scribo school. Which one you use depends on your needs and on the systems that manage your roster information.
Whichever method you use to on-board can also be used to update data, to capture movements between classes and add new staff and students.
Literatu offers direct sync with Edval, Microsoft Teams and Google Classroom. If none of those are in use at your school, you can export the class, teacher and student information from your student information or timetabling system. Alternatively, students and teachers can self-enrol using links, or you can simply key in the information for small classes.
Jump to the instructions which suit your school's context by clicking a link below.
My school uses Edval.
My school uses Google Classroom
My school holds class information in Microsoft Teams
I can export a CSV containing class, teacher and student information from my SIS or timetabling system
I want to use self-service teacher and student registration
I want to add my class and students by keying in the details
If you have any questions regarding the best way to on-board your class or school, please email support@literatu.com.
Take a look around Scribo to see how good the student feedback is, and how quickly you can save time.
On your first login to Scribo as a teacher, we take you on an induction journey in your very own Learning Community.
We create a Class complete with students working on a writing activity at various levels of writing skill and proficiency. You get to see how Scribo saves time through automatic feedback and grading. Scribo takes teachers back to being mentors.
Imagine this simple scenario in any humanities class as you follow the wizard. You have just assigned your students a writing task to lift their skills, test their understanding and ability to write. This is relevant for any subject at any level.
Follow the prompts to see how quickly you can see where each student needs more guidance. Along the way, you will have that 'ah-ha' moment where will see where Scribo will save you time and build a stronger connection with your students.
It's really simple to see which Writing Activities you have in progress across each of your Classes.
When you enter Scribo you land on your In Progress screen for each Class.
Change Classes by selecting the Class.
The QR code for any students who need an invitation.
All activities In Progress are shown with their Due Date. Activities that are Completed will appear as the workflow is completed. All history is maintained.
The number of students in the Class, In Progress and Complete are shown.
You can edit and Share the Activity to students, LMS systems and the collective School library where other teachers can use the Activity in their context and class.
To open an Activity, click on the Activity name.
A - The main panel shows each student's text response to the question.
B - The feedback Scribo builds and delivers for each student, complete with a Scribo score calculated by AI. This panel drives the feedback functionality with four core features.
C - The live monitor panel (fold out) shows the students, the current word count and the auto-grade they have been awarded. To change between students, click on their name. If Rubric grading is used, the rubric score will be shown and the rubric categories that make up the final score.
Students have the same interface, without access to the Class panel.
Scribo helps students improve their English writing skills while saving teachers valuable time. Version 3 is an even easier way to improve your writing.
"Scribo absolutely transforms the way students access instant writing feedback and the way teachers maximise their time with students. It's just so helpful and time efficient for everyone! I encourage every teacher to use Scribo!" Sally Dalmore, Senior English Teacher.
In Scribo, we have lots of ways to help you create a writing activity.
Click on the '+ Activity' button to choose how you would like to add a Writing Activity.
You can add an activity from our library, add your own writing prompt by filling in a simple wizard-based form, ask AI to create a writing prompt and activity for you, or upload past student texts to generate a writing analysis.
We suggest you start by using the AI option. It's quick and easy, and gives you and your students the full AI feedback experience. Use the longer form wizard option when you are ready to start fine-tuning activity options and adding features such as rubric marking, challenge mode, scaffolds and writing plans.
The library is there to give you a head start with activities created by our publisher partners
If you'd like to get insights about texts your students have already written and submitted in PDF, MS Word or Google Docs format, choose the "Upload student texts for a writing analysis" icon.
The main options used in creating an activity are collected in the Wizard steps. There are advanced options that deal with powerful features, but they are all hidden in fast-start mode.
Simply enter the topic you would like your students to write about, and some extra information such as the number of words, writing genre and keywords. These are used by Scribo to keep students on track.
In advanced mode, you can add Writing Plans, Rubrics, Peer Reviews, Scaffolds and extended support for students any time you like. Our advice is to get going as quickly as you can, then add features as you need.
When you have finished, simply click Assign to make the activity available to the students in your class. Any new students that join your class will also see the activity - you don't need to assign it again.
As students start to write, you can monitor their work live by clicking the activity name in your dashboard.
Important Points
The Topic/Question can contain all types of supporting videos, images, help tips and advice. You can add as much scaffold support, or little, as you like.
Add keywords to track if students are on topic and hitting the context levels you are looking for.
There are several student experiences you can choose:
You can create a Cold Write text where all Scribo support and feedback is hidden. With a Cold Write, you can see how students write without any support from Scribo (Scribo also disables grammar and spelling suggestions from the browser at all times).
A "Writing check" activity gives students full feedback about their writing. Click the Advanced button to switch off section of feedback. To see their writing feedback, students need only click the "Check" button. Note that Scribo feedback is intentionally click-driven so that students can focus on their writing without being interrupted by live error highlights.
The "Scriblet" option is great for younger writers. It give students simpler feedback delivered by an avatar.
If you leave the start date blank, Scribo assigns the Activity instantly. If you enter a date and time, that's when the Activity is available to the students.
As you build Activities, you can save them to your library or share them with colleagues in your school. As the School Library builds, it's even faster to get students writing. Simply find what you want and click 'Assign'.
Writing is a process that improves with practice, feedback and guidance. Scribo opens up writing practice, personalises feedback and guides students towards success via interactive grading guidance.
Start writing and keep writing. You will either keep your text, edit it, fix it or throw it out. The trick is to learn from feedback and explore new ways to get your story across.
The writing space in Scribo is a great place to create, paste or load text for an instant writing check. Bring your text into Scribo to get a great feedback experience.
Teachers can create a Writing Activity for students in Scribo or select one from the library. Either way, you get students writing and improving.
Select your Class
Create an Activity or select from the Library
The Activity is assigned to a Class
Students log into Scribo (direct or through Google or Microsoft logins)
Students interact with the Activity in Scribo
Feedback is instant and delivered in Scribo
Students iterate through the feedback with ownership in how to improve their work
Teachers have full sight across students' progress
Scribo Writing Activities offer many levels of support to writers, depending on their age and skill level. Some students need advice on how to approach and start the writing task, others need stimulus ideas like images and videos to encourage their writing, while others need to know exactly what is expected.
Scribo Writing Activities cater for all these scenarios and more. It really is up to you as to how you structure support for your students. The information gets added in the Create Activity process and is visible as a Topic section in the feedback panel.
Our Library Activities all have a range of stimulus materials and prompts to get students engaged with the challenge of writing. A blank piece of paper excites no-one!
See how to Create a Writing Activity here.
If students write in Google Docs or Word, they can bring the document into Scribo for a check. Sign into your Google or Office accounts and select the document you want to get feedback for.
The Activity can be created in Scribo and students can prepare their Google or Word doc elsewhere. When students bring their Google or Word Doc into Scribo, it is linked and Live Monitoring and feedback start to work.
Feedback in Scribo is targeted, personalised and instant. It doesn't get any better than that! GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) is just a simple part of what we do.
When Scribo checks a text, Scribo really checks a text. Over 50 detailed facets of writing are checked across our AI engines to build a feedback story.
Scribo looks at where we can add value to your writing and it does this initially by looking under the 'big rocks' of writing.
Words form sentences, sentences form paragraphs, paragraphs take on the argument delivery on topic and build momentum to make it interesting for readers. Cohesion brings it all together and lifts the flow of opinion and discussion. Writing well is a skill that takes time.
In each Scribo feedback section there are multiple levels of suggestions and tips. These are the big rocks we turn over, and look under, when building feedback. The detail contained in each section depends on what we find.
Scribo rates the feedback in the order we think students should work. As connected as every word is, when words are fixed, sentence issues reduce, clarity improves and cohesion can make more sense.
Writing takes practice and good access to great feedback. Scribo has both the patience and the feedback to help every student. These are the big writing rocks we look under –
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
Vocabulary (Word Choices)
Writing Clarity
Topic Coverage
Academic Level writing analysis
Subject word analysis (Scribo has been trained in over 30 subjects)
We have also built a library of additional checks and tips that teachers and students can explore at any time
Scribo delivers opportunities for all students to improve their level of English writing, while saving teachers time in grading and correction tasks.
Scribo disrupts the traditional writing process by handing ownership and control of English writing improvement to students. Teachers have more time to be the critic and mentor.
In this context, AI is the Additional Instructor every teacher wants.
"No-one magically gets good at writing. Every writer needs critics, mentors and teachers and the more punishing they are, the better writer you become." Ernst Hemingway
Just getting the text written is 'the job' most students will tell you they stress about. Knowing how to improve, where to improve and if indeed you are getting better, has always been the job of the teacher.
This is where teacher workloads multiply by a factor. Not only must teachers correct and grade, they then must plan where and how to improve individual and cohort writing outcomes. The obvious endpoint to this discovery is to then deliver student-level improvement.
That's a lot of work for teachers, in fact way too much work. The way in which English writing learning is set up actually encourages students to sub-contract learning outcomes to their teachers. Teachers simply run out of time to help everyone with tailored support and so the story repeats in the next year of school. We continually see teachers putting more effort into writing than many of their students do. This reality is a road to burnout for teachers and a road to flame out for students who enter higher education and the workforce without the core written literacy skills they need.
'Fixing' writing takes hours and hours (years even) of attention, way more time than a quick edit session in front of a GPS (Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling) system. The world has had GPS systems for a long time, while writing skills in education decline globally. It seems that students blindly take tactical GPS advice but don't remember it for next time.
The acronym GPS extends to cars with the same conclusion. Most drivers now have a GPS. The GPS does not improve driving skills but rather creates reactive drivers, tuned to respond to all of Siri's commands. People set off not knowing where they are going, when they get there they don't know where they are and when they come back, they don't know where they have been.
Scribo integrates with Google Classroom to make it really easy to use Scribo, working where you work now.
Goggle Classroom integrates into Scribo easily. Teachers use existing Classroom setups to invite and manage a group of students in the setup they have now.
Classroom can also be where IT support integrates classes and sets up access default Teams based on class rosters and timetables. It doesn't matter either way.
Google Classroom allows Teachers to maintain a single access point for students. If Classroom is being used for subjects and student communications, keeping users in familiar places is a good option.
Scribo streamlines access for teachers and students :
Create an Activity and then share that Activity to a Google Class class.
The link will join Students to Classes and open access to the writing Activity in one click. No more linking students to classes first. If the student is in the class, they will get access to the Activity . If the student is new to the class they will be joined to the class and given the activity.
Teachers and students can access Scribo from within Classroom - using the Scribo App
It is important to use SSO for Google. This means teachers and students should use the Single Sign On feature in Google online to login to their account for email and web browsing. If they can access Google Drive, they are logged in.
Teachers and students login to Scribo using their Google account.
Both Teachers and Students should have access via Google Admins , to the Scribo Teams App, available in the Teams app store.
Ask IT Admin to approve Literatu Scribo as a Google App across the school Domain. This makes it simple for students to plug and play Scribo into Google Classroom without any permission dramas. The Admin screen is in Google Admin Portal
As a Student or Teacher, Google uses your Google account to log you into Scribo automatically. The image shows a Teacher account with writing activities in progress.
Click on the three dot menu for any Activity
Select Google Cass from the Share options
Scribo logs you into your Google Classroom environment, allowing you to choose the Class you want to Post the Activity to. Make your selection.
Complete your options and instructions and click Assign . Scribo shows the integration in Google Classroom
Scribo auto-scores every text which does not have a specific rubric associated with it. In draft mode, students have all the information they need to improve their score.
What if students could get instant accurate grades and see how to improve without needing teacher support? What a wonderful world this would be! Scribo can virtually eliminate formative grading by teachers. Use our grading metrics or train a new set yourself. It is so easy to be interactive and accurate with student feedback and grade indicators, without having to be actively involved or holding up the workflow.
Scribo scores from the top down. Everyone starts with the chance of getting 100%. Along the way, marks get deducted for specified reasons.
In this example, the teacher scoring/rubric preferences deducted marks for –
Simple grammar and spelling mistakes that were not corrected
Long sentences – run-on sentences are lazy writing at this level
Insufficient use of academic words for this level of writing. Again, easily fixed if the student wants to do better
Not enough subject-specific terms and words
This feedback is instant for students. If they respond to the feedback and fix errors like grammar and spelling, there is an additional 25 marks up for grabs.
In seconds, students have a grade they can work with in Scribo. As they respond to these grade lowering issues, they see their grade going up. Teachers no longer spend time on draft grades and feedback. In fact, if teachers take a moment to fine-tune how they like to grade, there is very little grading to be done at all.
Scribo writing checks do all the work. Every word is read, multiple AI rules are applied and personalised feedback is created.
In one click, Scribo reads the student's text and builds personalised feedback. It's that simple! Using important data and parameters contained in the Writing Activity, Scribo delivers the right-sized feedback to help every student improve their text.
As a teacher, you get full visibility of the feedback Scribo is giving to students. Transparent feedback is delivered for both students and teachers.
Scribo lets you tune the feedback, changing text and tolerances that drive when the feedback appears. If you want to create an alert when Year 10 students write more than 2 simple sentences side by side, for example, you can do that in seconds. The feedback and grading system is driven by our AI, and then refined by your CI (cognitive intelligence). Scribo can deliver the level of feedback you want students to have – across all levels of students and all levels of writing.
Scribo creates a Scribo Score based on the quality of the response. AI calculates the score and suggests it as a percentage. The scoring system can be easily fine-tuned by community to match more exacting or preferred marking systems.
Feedback is delivered as prioritised in a to-do list – with red, orange and green traffic light colours associated with each section. You can jump around and take a look at anything. Click on the Score and see how the result was calculated. This gives you immediate insight into where your next edits need to focus. Make a change and see your score improve. Self-directed learning is alive and well in Scribo.
All feedback is unique and varies by Year level and genre. Scribo comes with a complete default feedback system that teachers and schools can change to suit their pedagogy and messaging.
We save teachers over 10 hours of grading and feedback a week.
All feedback is switched on for all students by default. This is to highlight the capability of the feedback engine. Teachers can turn the level of feedback down, or up, at any time.
Per Year, Grade, Genre or Subject, feedback can be customised by Teachers. Defaults are all set up for Primary, Lower and Upper Secondary and Tertiary. This means the right profile of student will get the right level of feedback, every time.
Feedback manages reporting and data, able to show where improvements are being made along the writing journey with a very complete history tracking capability.
Auto-grading is set by default by Scribo AI. Teachers can change this, retraining our AI to work in their grading ways. The objective is for the system to be so accurate that instant grading simply works for every student. Teachers add extra feedback, and the currently onerous job of feedback and grading is done.
Scribo lets students follow the feedback, adjusting their writing and retesting their changes. Good writing comes from iterations of do - check- change. Scribo is the great feedback wall.
"The only reason people bring technology into their life is to do a job needing to be done, quicker or better."
We agree! No teacher or student needs to waste time without getting a result that is better AND saves time.
Builds writing Activities and gets students writing with scaffolded support in minutes.
Assigns writing tasks from the library and has students writing in under a minute.
Allows students to self-grade and discover where to improve their writing.
Gives students 24/7 access to writing support that teachers can also see.
Makes transparent feedback available to teachers and students. No time wasted getting on the same page.
Gives full reporting and analysis of where targeted teaching will help each student and the cohort.
Shares Activities between teachers to reduce time taken to build lessons.
Grades faster than ever before with auto-grading rubrics built by teachers.
Tailors feedback to maintain relevance.
Has a consistent feedback delivery capability across all years and subjects, offering full support to teachers who are not trained English teachers.
Gives 24/7 access to complete writing feedback and guidance for any subject and level of writing.
Provides full feedback tailored to each students writing.
Gives feedback that tells students what to do next, and offers direction on how to achieve that.
Provides additional resources like Synonym checking, AI sentence rewrites and other helpful writing support strategies that make a difference.
Scribo gives each student a high level of ownership in their writing.
Provides full multi-lingual translation of feedback into numerous languages.
Students have the ability to have their essay read back to them.
Provides peer review opportunities with other students.
Capability for Integrated chat-based feedback with teachers in an offline-online connection.
Links to Word and Google Docs that make it simple to interchange content.
Measuring writing skills improvement is what Scribo does. Connecting with this level of information moves everyone past the mechanics of simple correction into a new, sustainable improvement cycle.
When Roger Federer's coach showed him data on the number of failed backhand cross-court winners, Roger practised the shot tirelessly. He went on to develop (arguably) the best cross-court backhand in the history of tennis.
Data is the Dynamic Ability to Affect an outcome. By seeing the outputs, we can adjust the inputs to get a different and hopefully better result. Data does not have to be complicated, it is more important that it is simple, available on demand and tells a story. I'm sure Roger's coach could have advised under what match conditions his backhand waivered but the storyline was simple – you need to improve your cross-court backhand.
Without data, the writing process does not have the energy source to measurably improve. To drive improvement, all students need to see the underlying improvement story. Scribo delivers and manages this data and storyline.
Every time a writing check is run by a student, Scribo measures over 50 writing markers across core elements of writing. Improvement, or lack thereof, is recorded for every student individually and across the cohort.
Reporting for students opens up the journey they took to produce their text. Every step taken becomes the real back story to the one everyone sees on the page. Writing improvement happens in a continuum, not via a test or assignment.
Teachers see the back story of every story. Scribo builds a history and profile of each student's writing and progress, converting all text into actionable data. Questions like "Where can I make the biggest difference to student skills right now?" get answered.
Students and teachers access a range of reporting options that increase the speed of response.
Gone are the days of students waiting for grading and feedback to come back.
Gone are the days of teachers stressing about feedback and grading.
Gone are the days of waiting for draft feedback to return. Students access writing reports in seconds (if they need a paper version).
Gone are the days of teachers doing more work on the texts than the students do.
Gone are the days of teachers not instantly knowing where each student needs help.
It doesn't matter if you use Teams or Google Classroom - Scribo manages the links between these systems using invite codes. Across social media, email or posts - it's simple.
Teams can be integrated into Scribo very easily. Teachers use Teams and Channels to invite and manage a group of students in a whatever Team / class structure needed.
Teams can also be where IT support integrates classes and sets up access default Teams based on class rosters and timetables. It doesn't matter either way.
Teams allows Teachers to maintain a single access point for students. If Teams is being used for subjects and student communications, keeping users in familiar places is a good option.
Scribo streamlines access for teachers and students :
Create an Activity and then share that Activity to a Team and Channel
The link will join Students to Classes and open access to the writing Activity in one click. No more linking students to classes first. If the student is in the class, they will get access to the Activity . If the student is new to the class they will be joined to the class and given the activity.
Teachers and students can access Scribo from within Teams - using the Scribo App
It is important to use SSO for Teams. This means teachers and students should use the Single Sign On feature in M365 or Office 365 online to login to their Microsoft account for email and web browsing. If they can access One Drive, they are logged in.
Teachers and students can login to Scribo using their Microsoft account.
Both Teachers and Students should have access via Teams Admins , to the Scribo Teams App, available in the Teams app store.
Ask IT Admin to approve Literatu Scribo as a Teams App across the school Domain. This makes it simple for students to plug and play Scribo into Teams without any permission dramas. Permission screen below in Teams Admin.
When you have access to the Scribo Teams App, you can login from the left side App launcher.
As a Student or Teacher, Teams uses your O365 or M365 account to log you into Scribo automatically. The image shown is a Teacher account showing writing activities in progress.
Click on the Options icon and select Share Activity
Click on the Teams Share icon. You can choose from :
Goggle Classroom
The message contains all the information needed. You can add to it if you like.
Teams will list all of your OPEN Teams and Channels for you to choose from.
Click Share and the Team / Channel with be updated with a link students can click on.
Scribo works in Schools, Colleges and Universities for educators, tutors and students to improve English writing skills.
The answer from over 87% of teachers is "reduce the time we spend in feedback and grading student texts." Accountants became advisors when they let technology automate the debits and credits. Clients created their own draft accounts. Massive reductions in the time and cost of accounts preparation opened up time for advising clients on what to do next. Accountants found a new value.
Teachers also can become advisors and create more value by letting technology construct the 'debts and credits' of writing feedback and guidance. AI support creates the time, and instant data, needed for teachers to quickly see where to target teaching. AI responds instantly to students needing feedback and guidance as they work.
GSA - Good, simple, applicable technology must help teachers and students get the job done. Improving English writing skills is hard because it takes so much time. A simple, applicable solution is needed to solve a complex and student-centric issue. Scribo delivers the solution.
Scribo gives teachers a simple and faster connection into where students need more support by giving students instant access to human quality feedback and guidance. Everyone is on the same page.
There are only so many hours in a day that teachers can create and deliver personalised student feedback and guidance on written texts. When their Professor asked a group of educators in Singapore what they wanted the most, the consensus was "an additional instructor", just to keep up with feedback and grading. Assessment can be more efficient and deliver much more value when supported by a technology based AI.
What if the AI (additional instructor) was technology based? Wouldn't that be better and quicker? What if AI could Accelerate the Impact teachers have by connecting them directly to where students need help? What if AI could reduce the hours and improve the feedback loop? What if Artificial Intelligence made this positive difference possible?
When teachers and students work together, the connection is usually some sort of Class or Group. The Class has a subject and a level and is linked to one or many teachers or tutors who lead the learning.
Teachers work with students in groups and we refer to these groups as Classes. A Class is a logical collection of students all working together with a teacher or teachers. Teachers instruct and guide, and students learn from the experience.
Students can belong to multiple Classes, as can teachers. All permutations of Classes and Groups of students are catered for.
Scribo lets teachers drive the writing activities to control the way students interact. Scribo also allows students to work in a SOLO mode. Either way, Scribo helps improve writing skills. Many students like to check their work 'off-grid' and many others need to work without teacher supervision.
The most important thing is to get students writing and give them great free-flowing feedback, regardless of whether they are connected via a Class or they are running in SOLO mode.