There are a number of different ways you can add classes, students and teachers to your Scribo school. Which one you use depends on your needs and on the systems that manage your roster information.
Whichever method you use to on-board can also be used to update data, to capture movements between classes and add new staff and students.
Literatu offers direct sync with Edval, Microsoft Teams and Google Classroom. If none of those are in use at your school, you can export the class, teacher and student information from your student information or timetabling system. Alternatively, students and teachers can self-enrol using links, or you can simply key in the information for small classes.
Jump to the instructions which suit your school's context by clicking a link below.
My school uses Edval.
My school uses Google Classroom
My school holds class information in Microsoft Teams
I can export a CSV containing class, teacher and student information from my SIS or timetabling system
I want to use self-service teacher and student registration
I want to add my class and students by keying in the details
If you have any questions regarding the best way to on-board your class or school, please email
Scribo has many pre-set writing activities across various libraries. Teachers in a school Community have access to their Library and the School Library
Well, simply a Library is a collection of Writing Activities. Each Teacher has their own Library and has access to a School Library.
As teachers create Activities they can Share their Activities to the School Library or keep them under their control. It's best to Share!
Select Add Activity - From the Library
This is your personal Library
These are your current Draft Activities
This is your School Shared Activity Library - full of other teacher ideas
This activates the Publisher Libraries you have access to
If you don't have any Activities in your Library, there is a link to free Publisher Activities you can experiment with.
We have built several libraries of Activities that we can open for you. We are always opening new Activity Libraries. For all new teachers there are Free sample Activities in the Publisher Libraries.
Over 65 Academic and General level writing activities. They all have scaffold support, writing plans and exemplars. These Activities auto-grade with CEFR scoring.
Over 150 Grade level Writing Activities covering a range of interesting topics. They are complete with Writing Plans, Scaffolds and exemplars.
Narrative / Persuasive Assessment
A choice of auto graded writing assessments. These are great for establishing class writing levels.
Search across the Library - Topic, Word, Level etc - We will show what we find
The libraries you have access to.
The fields you can search on are shown on the right. These change depending on the Library you are searching.
Click Assign when you are ready.
Scribo show a full Preview of what you have chosen. Enter a Start Date and click Assign now.
The Class shown at the top of the screen is the Class the Activity will be assigned to.
Take a look around Scribo to see how good the student feedback is, and how quickly you can save time.
On your first login to Scribo as a teacher, we take you on an induction journey in your very own Learning Community.
We create a Class complete with students working on a writing activity at various levels of writing skill and proficiency. You get to see how Scribo saves time through automatic feedback and grading. Scribo takes teachers back to being mentors.
Imagine this simple scenario in any humanities class as you follow the wizard. You have just assigned your students a writing task to lift their skills, test their understanding and ability to write. This is relevant for any subject at any level.
Follow the prompts to see how quickly you can see where each student needs more guidance. Along the way, you will have that 'ah-ha' moment where will see where Scribo will save you time and build a stronger connection with your students.
It's really simple to see which Writing Activities you have in progress across each of your Classes.
When you enter Scribo you land on your In Progress screen for each Class.
Change Classes by selecting the Class.
The QR code for any students who need an invitation.
All activities In Progress are shown with their Due Date. Activities that are Completed will appear as the workflow is completed. All history is maintained.
The number of students in the Class, In Progress and Complete are shown.
You can edit and Share the Activity to students, LMS systems and the collective School library where other teachers can use the Activity in their context and class.
To open an Activity, click on the Activity name.
A - The main panel shows each student's text response to the question.
B - The feedback Scribo builds and delivers for each student, complete with a Scribo score calculated by AI. This panel drives the feedback functionality with four core features.
C - The live monitor panel (fold out) shows the students, the current word count and the auto-grade they have been awarded. To change between students, click on their name. If Rubric grading is used, the rubric score will be shown and the rubric categories that make up the final score.
Students have the same interface, without access to the Class panel.
In Scribo, we have lots of ways to help you create a writing activity.
Click on the '+ Activity' button to choose how you would like to add a Writing Activity.
You can add an activity from our library, add your own writing prompt by filling in a simple wizard-based form, ask AI to create a writing prompt and activity for you, or upload past student texts to generate a writing analysis.
We suggest you start by using the AI option. It's quick and easy, and gives you and your students the full AI feedback experience. Use the longer form wizard option when you are ready to start fine-tuning activity options and adding features such as rubric marking, challenge mode, scaffolds and writing plans.
The library is there to give you a head start with activities created by our publisher partners
If you'd like to get insights about texts your students have already written and submitted in PDF, MS Word or Google Docs format, choose the "Upload student texts for a writing analysis" icon.
The main options used in creating an activity are collected in the Wizard steps. There are advanced options that deal with powerful features, but they are all hidden in fast-start mode.
Simply enter the topic you would like your students to write about, and some extra information such as the number of words, writing genre and keywords. These are used by Scribo to keep students on track.
In advanced mode, you can add Writing Plans, Rubrics, Peer Reviews, Scaffolds and extended support for students any time you like. Our advice is to get going as quickly as you can, then add features as you need.
When you have finished, simply click Assign to make the activity available to the students in your class. Any new students that join your class will also see the activity - you don't need to assign it again.
As students start to write, you can monitor their work live by clicking the activity name in your dashboard.
Important Points
The Topic/Question can contain all types of supporting videos, images, help tips and advice. You can add as much scaffold support, or little, as you like.
Add keywords to track if students are on topic and hitting the context levels you are looking for.
There are several student experiences you can choose:
You can create a Cold Write text where all Scribo support and feedback is hidden. With a Cold Write, you can see how students write without any support from Scribo (Scribo also disables grammar and spelling suggestions from the browser at all times).
A "Writing check" activity gives students full feedback about their writing. Click the Advanced button to switch off section of feedback. To see their writing feedback, students need only click the "Check" button. Note that Scribo feedback is intentionally click-driven so that students can focus on their writing without being interrupted by live error highlights.
The "Scriblet" option is great for younger writers. It give students simpler feedback delivered by an avatar.
If you leave the start date blank, Scribo assigns the Activity instantly. If you enter a date and time, that's when the Activity is available to the students.
As you build Activities, you can save them to your library or share them with colleagues in your school. As the School Library builds, it's even faster to get students writing. Simply find what you want and click 'Assign'.