Scribo lets students follow the feedback, adjusting their writing and retesting their changes. Good writing comes from iterations of do - check- change. Scribo is the great feedback wall.
"The only reason people bring technology into their life is to do a job needing to be done, quicker or better."
We agree! No teacher or student needs to waste time without getting a result that is better AND saves time.
Builds writing Activities and gets students writing with scaffolded support in minutes.
Assigns writing tasks from the library and has students writing in under a minute.
Allows students to self-grade and discover where to improve their writing.
Gives students 24/7 access to writing support that teachers can also see.
Makes transparent feedback available to teachers and students. No time wasted getting on the same page.
Gives full reporting and analysis of where targeted teaching will help each student and the cohort.
Shares Activities between teachers to reduce time taken to build lessons.
Grades faster than ever before with auto-grading rubrics built by teachers.
Tailors feedback to maintain relevance.
Has a consistent feedback delivery capability across all years and subjects, offering full support to teachers who are not trained English teachers.
Gives 24/7 access to complete writing feedback and guidance for any subject and level of writing.
Provides full feedback tailored to each students writing.
Gives feedback that tells students what to do next, and offers direction on how to achieve that.
Provides additional resources like Synonym checking, AI sentence rewrites and other helpful writing support strategies that make a difference.
Scribo gives each student a high level of ownership in their writing.
Provides full multi-lingual translation of feedback into numerous languages.
Students have the ability to have their essay read back to them.
Provides peer review opportunities with other students.
Capability for Integrated chat-based feedback with teachers in an offline-online connection.
Links to Word and Google Docs that make it simple to interchange content.