Scribo Workflow
Scribo blends into existing workflows
Scribo Workflow
Can educators monitor student writing tasks live?
Yes. Educators can monitor student work as they work in Scribo Web, O365 or in Google Docs. Educators work with a linked copy holding comments/feedback.
Can educators run a Cohort writing analysis any time?
Yes. Educators can run a cohort report that summarises the writing results and trends for the whole class or cohort at any time. This panel report is also available at student level.
Does Scribo build data efficacy models showing usage?
Yes. Scribo builds efficacy models that show where Students are accessing Scribo and the impact Scribo is making on improvement. Scribo aggregates many major metrics and can break them down in many different ways.
Do educators have access to student writing growth analytics?
Yes. Scribo builds data from the lowest level of identification. From Student → Educator → Course → Year → Subject → Faculty → School → Dept/District.
Key insights show educators the students and areas that are improving, and those which are not.
Is Scribo the most comprehensive writing support platform available?
No surprise there. Yes. Scribo has been designed to achieve three main outcomes and in so doing, be relevant to three clear sets of stakeholders in a comprehensive way.
Engage students with full-time writing support that does more than writing correction. Analysis and feedback makes the biggest difference via real connections to student writing growth. Universities must provide reasonable support to enable students to achieve expected learning outcomes.
Educators have live student connections to student progress, feedback, learning analytics and supporting workflows all reducing workloads and time demands.
Schools and Faculty leaders have a strong base for improvement through live data analytics collated across multiple levels. This is the backbone of writing improvement and data for benchmarking and targeted teaching.
Last updated
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