Step 3 - The feedback
Feedback in Scribo is targeted, personalised and instant. It doesn't get any better than that! GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) is just a simple part of what we do.
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Feedback in Scribo is targeted, personalised and instant. It doesn't get any better than that! GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) is just a simple part of what we do.
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When Scribo checks a text, Scribo really checks a text. Over 50 detailed facets of writing are checked across our AI engines to build a feedback story.
Scribo looks at where we can add value to your writing and it does this initially by looking under the 'big rocks' of writing.
Words form sentences, sentences form paragraphs, paragraphs take on the argument delivery on topic and build momentum to make it interesting for readers. Cohesion brings it all together and lifts the flow of opinion and discussion. Writing well is a skill that takes time.
In each Scribo feedback section there are multiple levels of suggestions and tips. These are the big rocks we turn over, and look under, when building feedback. The detail contained in each section depends on what we find.
Scribo rates the feedback in the order we think students should work. As connected as every word is, when words are fixed, sentence issues reduce, clarity improves and cohesion can make more sense.
Writing takes practice and good access to great feedback. Scribo has both the patience and the feedback to help every student. These are the big writing rocks we look under –
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
Vocabulary (Word Choices)
Writing Clarity
Topic Coverage
Academic Level writing analysis
Subject word analysis (Scribo has been trained in over 30 subjects)
We have also built a library of additional checks and tips that teachers and students can explore at any time