Assign an Activity from the Scribo library
Scribo has many pre-set writing activities across various libraries. Teachers in a school Community have access to their Library and the School Library
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Scribo has many pre-set writing activities across various libraries. Teachers in a school Community have access to their Library and the School Library
Last updated
Well, simply a Library is a collection of Writing Activities. Each Teacher has their own Library and has access to a School Library.
As teachers create Activities they can Share their Activities to the School Library or keep them under their control. It's best to Share!
Select Add Activity - From the Library
This is your personal Library
These are your current Draft Activities
This is your School Shared Activity Library - full of other teacher ideas
This activates the Publisher Libraries you have access to
If you don't have any Activities in your Library, there is a link to free Publisher Activities you can experiment with.
We have built several libraries of Activities that we can open for you. We are always opening new Activity Libraries. For all new teachers there are Free sample Activities in the Publisher Libraries.
Over 65 Academic and General level writing activities. They all have scaffold support, writing plans and exemplars. These Activities auto-grade with CEFR scoring.
Over 150 Grade level Writing Activities covering a range of interesting topics. They are complete with Writing Plans, Scaffolds and exemplars.
Narrative / Persuasive Assessment
A choice of auto graded writing assessments. These are great for establishing class writing levels.
Search across the Library - Topic, Word, Level etc - We will show what we find
The libraries you have access to.
The fields you can search on are shown on the right. These change depending on the Library you are searching.
Click Assign when you are ready.
Scribo show a full Preview of what you have chosen. Enter a Start Date and click Assign now.
The Class shown at the top of the screen is the Class the Activity will be assigned to.