Measure your way to success
Measuring writing skills improvement is what Scribo does. Connecting with this level of information moves everyone past the mechanics of simple correction into a new, sustainable improvement cycle.
Data is like renewable energy – able to power sustainable writing improvement
When Roger Federer's coach showed him data on the number of failed backhand cross-court winners, Roger practised the shot tirelessly. He went on to develop (arguably) the best cross-court backhand in the history of tennis.
Data is the Dynamic Ability to Affect an outcome. By seeing the outputs, we can adjust the inputs to get a different and hopefully better result. Data does not have to be complicated, it is more important that it is simple, available on demand and tells a story. I'm sure Roger's coach could have advised under what match conditions his backhand waivered but the storyline was simple – you need to improve your cross-court backhand.
Without data, the writing process does not have the energy source to measurably improve. To drive improvement, all students need to see the underlying improvement story. Scribo delivers and manages this data and storyline.
What Scribo measures
Every time a writing check is run by a student, Scribo measures over 50 writing markers across core elements of writing. Improvement, or lack thereof, is recorded for every student individually and across the cohort.
Reporting for students opens up the journey they took to produce their text. Every step taken becomes the real back story to the one everyone sees on the page. Writing improvement happens in a continuum, not via a test or assignment.
Teachers see the back story of every story. Scribo builds a history and profile of each student's writing and progress, converting all text into actionable data. Questions like "Where can I make the biggest difference to student skills right now?" get answered.
Reporting instantly reduces time and turnaround
Students and teachers access a range of reporting options that increase the speed of response.
Gone are the days of students waiting for grading and feedback to come back.
Gone are the days of teachers stressing about feedback and grading.
Gone are the days of waiting for draft feedback to return. Students access writing reports in seconds (if they need a paper version).
Gone are the days of teachers doing more work on the texts than the students do.
Gone are the days of teachers not instantly knowing where each student needs help.
These reports build in one click. What parent would not like to see this?
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