Manage work in progress
It's really simple to see which Writing Activities you have in progress across each of your Classes.
Last updated
It's really simple to see which Writing Activities you have in progress across each of your Classes.
Last updated
When you enter Scribo you land on your In Progress screen for each Class.
Change Classes by selecting the Class.
The QR code for any students who need an invitation.
All activities In Progress are shown with their Due Date. Activities that are Completed will appear as the workflow is completed. All history is maintained.
The number of students in the Class, In Progress and Complete are shown.
You can edit and Share the Activity to students, LMS systems and the collective School library where other teachers can use the Activity in their context and class.
To open an Activity, click on the Activity name.
A - The main panel shows each student's text response to the question.
B - The feedback Scribo builds and delivers for each student, complete with a Scribo score calculated by AI. This panel drives the feedback functionality with four core features.
C - The live monitor panel (fold out) shows the students, the current word count and the auto-grade they have been awarded. To change between students, click on their name. If Rubric grading is used, the rubric score will be shown and the rubric categories that make up the final score.
Students have the same interface, without access to the Class panel.