Results Dashboard

Results start to flow to the dashboard as soon as students hand in their texts. This section will cover the primary reports for the Writing Skills Assessment.

To access the Dashboard:

  • Open a web browser and go to

  • Login with your account.

  • In the purple menu on the left, click Dashboard.

Selecting data

The top menu of the dashboard allows you to select the context for your reporting - the class, cohort, student and date range. Click Apply when you make a change in this section to update the report data.


To access the summary report, click 'Dashboard' on your purple Scribo menu, then Summary.

The Summary provides a quick view into where writing needs more support. The people chart shows the performance of the cohort across the rubric elements. The percentage below each category shows the % of students in the lowest 2 quarters (ie, 50% raw score or less).

Click on a section of a person to see the students in that section, shown in a table further down the page. The table allows the data to be sorted, grouped and exported with a right-click.


To access the report, click 'Dashboard' on your purple Scribo menu, then Rubrics.

The Rubrics report shows student numbers mapped to the selected Rubric. The report allows you to quickly see the spread of student abilities against the rubric categories.

Click on any rubric cell in the report to see the students in that category & achievement level. The student detail data is shown in a table, which allows the data to be sorted, grouped and exported with a right-click. To select multiple cells, hold Shift+Click or CMD-Click.

Export Data On the top right of the Rubric Report, you can export all grades and details to Excel via CSV. The CSV will represent what you see on screen. If filter options are in place, clear filter first.

If you have a full Scribo license, you can view your scribo activities graded against your rubrics as well as writing skills assessment activities.

Rankings Report

To access the report, click 'Dashboard' on your purple Scribo menu, then Rankings.

The rankings report allows you to select skill categories across multiple tests. The selected data will be displayed in a table, which supports sorting, grouping and export to Excel.

For example, you may wish to compare Audience in a persuasive and narrative test to see if the text type has an impact on achievement.

Student Skills Report

Select the student name from the top search bar and click Search.

The Student Skills Report shows the top 3 skills and the lowest 3 skills for all of the writing tests the student has done.

Writing check data

In addition to the reports above, the dashboard has a number of detailed writing skills reports which are built from Scribo's technical writing check.

Last updated