Teachers: Add, edit and archive

Open the admin screen

You can use Literatu admin screens to add teachers and edit their details. To manage teachers using Literatu admin:

  1. Open a web browser and go to www.literatu.com.

  2. Login with your community administrator account. Users with a teacher role can only invite other teachers to register using a link.

  3. Click the setup icon at the top right.

Adding a new teacher

  1. On the admin screen, click the 'Manage Teachers' icon in the left menu.

  2. Click the green 'Add Teacher' button

  3. Enter the teacher's name, their role (teacher or community administrator), their school email address and a strong password.

  4. Click the green tick to save the account. The teacher can now login to Literatu.

Editing a teacher account

  1. On the admin screen, click the 'Manage Teachers' icon in the left menu.

  2. Click the 'Edit Teacher' pen icon beside the teacher you wish to edit.

  3. Edit the teacher's name, role, email or password.

  4. Click the green tick to save your edits.

Archiving a teacher account

When teachers leave the school, their account can be archived.

  1. On the admin screen, click the 'Manage Teachers' icon in the left menu.

  2. Click the red 'Archive Teacher' icon beside the teacher you wish to archive.

  3. Their account is archived. The teacher will not be able to login, though assets they created such as activities and rubrics will still be available to the school.

Last updated