Sync classes and students from Microsoft Teams
How to sync from Microsoft Teams to Literatu
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How to sync from Microsoft Teams to Literatu
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About aliased Microsoft Emails
Using Single Sign-on to login to Literatu, Microsoft manages the login and simply passes Literatu the email address that has successfully logged in.
Using Microsoft SSO, it is possible that the email addresses that is passed to Literatu is different to the email address the user logged in with.
For example, a user may login to Microsoft with but Microsoft passes us
This happens because Microsoft supports several email addresses - aliases - per user, with only one being the primary alias. This is usually your Organisational or O365 email address.
When you register your account with Literatu, please ensure you use your primary alias email format in order to be able to use SSO and to be able to sync your classes from Microsoft Teams.
To sync your classes and students directly from Microsoft Teams to Literatu, follow these steps:
Login to Literatu with your Microsoft account
2. Click the hamburger menu at the top left of the screen and select 'MS Teams Sync'
3. Choose the class you'd like to sync from the 'Sync from Teams to Scribo' dropdown.
4. Enter the subject and the year (cohort) for the class and click 'Sync to Scribo'. Your class and student information will be transferred.
Your students will be able to login with their Microsoft accounts as soon as the sync is complete.
4. You can refresh (re-sync) the class at any time by clicking the blue sync icon between the class pairings.