Students: Add, edit and archive

Open the admin screen

You can use Literatu admin screens to add students and edit their details. To manage students using Literatu admin:

  1. Open a web browser and go to

  2. Login with your community administrator or teacher account.

  3. Click the setup icon at the top right.

Adding a new student

  1. On the admin screen, click the 'Manage Students' icon in the left menu.

  2. Click the green 'Add Student' button

  3. Enter the student name, their unique login ID or email address (must be > 6 characters) and a strong password.

  4. Click the green tick to save the account.

Archiving a student account

When students leave the school individually, their account should be archived. To archive a student:

  1. On the admin screen, click the 'Manage Students' icon in the left menu.

  2. Click the red 'Archive Student' icon beside the student you wish to archive.

  3. Their account is archived. The student will not be able to login.

Archiving students no longer in classes

In the student tab of the Admin screen, you will see a count of students that no longer belong to any classes. These students typically belong to leaving grades (e.g. years 6 or 12), but may also be students that have left the school individually.

You can archive these accounts in bulk. To do this:

  1. On the admin screen, click the 'Manage Students' icon in the left menu.

  2. Note the message at the top of the section which shows a count of students not in classes. Y

  3. Click on the count to filter the student list to these students only. Here, you can check the accounts that are about to be archived.

  4. Click 'Archive these students'. Their account will be archived. The students will be removed from the school's license count, and will not be able to login.

Last updated